Part 2

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Sirius POV
The mirror unactivated but the room was so quite someone could drop a feather and it would be heard. I began blaming myself. If I hadn't gone after Peter I could have taken care of Harry and it's all my fault. Another thought came from his depressing thoughts. Why didn't Harry tell us? In that moment Sirius realized how little he knew about his godson. Did Harry not trust him enough to tell. He might not knew why but he did know he was going to get his godson out of their and murder those Dursley's. "Im getting him out of that house now!" Then Sirius turned to dumbledoor who had silent tears streaming down his face and the twinkle in his eye is replaced with sadness as if doubting everything he knew. "Unless you of course disagree again dumbledoor then we'll all dance to your orders, you said he was treated like a prince there that is not a damn prince that I see!"

"I was told he was I am so incredibly sorry this is all my fault I thought he was being dramatic when he said he hated the Dursley's but yes of course take him from those evil people, blood wards be damned I'll call poppy for his arrival," dumbledoor said then stood up and began to head to the fireplace. When he grabbed the floo powder he turned and looked at me with the twinkle slightly back in his eye and said, "try not to murder them on the spot Sirius, I guarantee you those filthy people will be dealt with but Harry needs you now." I nodded my head then in a flash dumbledoor was gone.

I began making my way to the door when I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder, it was Mcgonagall, "we're coming with you" murmurs of agreement were heard.

Moody said, "don't let the boy know we've been watching him don't want to lose his trust now do we, try to see if he tells you on his own." I nodded then we began to make our way to the door to go to 4 private drive.

We aparrated to private drive along with the order when we saw Harry walking out of the house with a trash bag in hand and headphones in his ears humming to a song as he began making his way to the trashcan. Pretend the song is heathens ;)

Harry POV

Harry walked out the door with his song playing he mesmerized the way to the trashcan down the room so he began to walk there slowly eyes closed as usual as he sung to the song in a whisper.

Don't kill me just help me run away
From everyone I need a place to stay
Where I can cover up my face
Don't cry, I am just a freak
I am just a freak
I am just a freak
I am just a freak
My head is filled with parasites
Black holes cover up my eyes
I dream of you almost every night
Hopefully I won't wake up this time
I won't wake up this time
I won't wake up this time
I won't wake up this time

The song ended just as he ran into someone causing him to stumble to the floor. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going," Harry rambled

"Don't worry bout it pup you alright" someone said. Wait pup?? Sirius?! Harry looked up to see Sirius along with Remus and the rest of the order

"Sirius!" Harry dropped the trash and ran into his godfathers arms not caring about his bruises and cuts. When Sirius hugged back the cuts became aggravated but he couldn't care less. Harry pulled back and said, "what are you all doing here"

"God pup you look like hell we came here to take you away," Sirius said. Harry forgot about his bruises first chance he would go get his glamour potion to mask the bruises and his skinniness

"Brilliant follow me," Harry said leaving the trash forgotten on the floor. He began to run back to his house followed by the order and his friends. He opened the door and dashed inside oblivious to if they were behind them. "Make yourself at home I'll be right back." He locked his door completely oblivious to the mirror being activated. Harry grabbed his glamour potion went to the mirror and downed it and he watched as he slowly grew and the bruises faded till they were gone along with the scars. He knew his trunk and broom were locked in the cupboard so he'd have to pick lock it with light them noticing. He grabbed his picture album, his bag filled with potions and Hedwig cage as well as pin to pick lock the cupboard.

He made his way downstairs and he noted that they must be in the living room so he pick locked the door not knowing he was being watched from the kitchen. After a minute he finally got the lock off and pulled his trunk and broom out with a clank. He opened his trunk and put the album inside then he turned around to see people in a circle staring at him from the kitchen.

"Harry why is your stuff in a cupboard with a lock," Remus said

"Um to save space and so no one steals it," Harry mumbled

"Then why wouldn't you have the key plus you could have asked us to get out for you," Remus said. Harry shrugged and put the lock back on the door. Harry knew the cupboard had drawings on the wall from young Harry, dried up blood and a paper saying "Harry's bedroom" and he didn't want them to know he's lived in a cupboard the majority of his life. He walked into the kitchen and he noticed just how many people were there. Snape, mcgonagall, the Weasley, Remus, Sirius, and hermoine were there. He assumed the rest of the order didn't want to intrude so it was just them. Arthur was busy trying to figure out how to work the toaster.

"Ready to go pup," Sirius said. I nodded and we began to make our way outside. Little did Harry know that everyone else stayed behind desperately trying to find out what Harry wanted to hide. With a click everyone opened the cupboard and peaked inside. The cupboard was horrible, blood stained the walls and a thin mattress layer on the floor varying different colors and stood out on the wall was a sign saying "Harry's bedroom."

"Hey you guys ready to go," I called out in a worried tone. Without another word they closed the door and began to make their way outside but they would bring that subject up later. When they crossed the wards and Harry noted their sad faces and some had tears across their face

"Grab on to me pup when we get back to head quarters we have something we need to handle," Sirius said. Harry desperately hopped they didnt open the cupboard he didn't feel like talking about what happened and in a flash they were all gone.

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