Part 3

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Third person POV
When they arrived at grimmauld place they were meet with a concerned madam pomfrey and albus dumbledoor. When madam pomfrey saw Harry she immediately ran over to him but was confused as he didn't kill how albus explained. "Harry can you please take off your shirt," Madam pomfrey asked.

Harry was confused so he asked, "why should I nothings wrong and I just got here" dumbledoor locked at mcgonagall and mcgonagall shock her head and gave him a look as if saying"he doesn't know that we know"

dumbledoor sighed then said, "we saw something concerning and we felt that you needed to be healed from what happened." Harry was shocked how did they find out especially after how hard he tried to keep this secret. Harry put his innocent face on and said, "I have no idea what your talking about professor I'm completely fine."

"Well we just saw what happened and we know what we're talking about so just take your shirt off so we can help you," snape said.

"What do you mean you saw what happened," Harry said through gritted teeth.

"There's no need to hide it anymore, we've been keeping an eye on you and as we were checking in on you we saw what happened and we want to help you," dumbledoor said. Harry was mad that they were spying on him with ought his permission.

Harry scoffed which surprised everyone in the room then he said, "well your wrong I don't need your help I can take care of myself." Harry didn't want them to see the extend of his abuse

"We know very well you can take care of yourself as it seems you've been caring for yourself since no one cared for you but please just let us help you," dumbledoor said

"Yeah Harry mate let us help you," the twins said

"It was very obvious I was being abused second year and after you rescued me it's like it was shoved out of your mind and I was sent back there again and again why would that change now," Harry yelled

"Come on Harry let us help you im so sorry for how I've treated you but I pity you," snape said unknowingly knowing that those were the wrong words to say to lily and James's child.

"I don't need your fucking pity none of you ever checked up on me there and I've suffered for years you have no right to pity me since your guilty knowing you treated me badly as well I don't need your help, IM NOT WEAK!" Harry screamed and for one everyone saw both lily and James in him. Both of them refused to be seen as weak.

"Fine then you leave us no choice I'm sorry Harry," Remus said and with a swish of his wand the word slowly darkened and his eyes dropped then he collapsed to the floor as Sirius caught him.

They carried Harry to the room he occupied the previous year. And they took his shirt off then the bandages covered in blood except it seemed as if his skin was perfectly fine compared to what the bandages showed.

"I assume we know what that potion was he drunk when he went up to his room, a glamour potion," mcgonagall said. Pomfrey nodded then said the reverse spell and what stood before them shocked them all especially since they couldn't see much in the dark room. Harry was skin and bones and looked as if he hadn't ate in months. All of his ribs could be seen and some even stuck in weird angles. His skin was completely black and blue so no one could even see a sign of his skin color anywhere on his chest or arms. Multiple gashes stood out that were covered in blood that looked as if they've been inflicted with a boot or belt maybe both. Multiple words also stood out across Harry's chest many like freak, worthless, and die.

Everyone was frozen in shock Pomfrey was the first to overcome this and she ran a full body diagnosis and an age diagnosis that shows every injury he's had in his life. The full body diagnosis wrote for two pages and when it finally finished everyone realized how severe this situation was.


Broken ribs (1 right 2 left)

Shattered rib (left side)

Slight Internal bleeding

Brocken bones (collar bone, right arm, left shoulder blade, nose, left knee, ankle)

Starvation (no meals except a price of bread a week)

Incorrectly grown bones previously broken (right and left arm, left calf, right hand)

Cuts on both hands

Slashes and gashes (chest and arms)

Words carved into skin (freak, worthless, die, boy, arrogant, spoilt)

Burns (hands, arms, back)

Bruises (littering skin)


Trust issues

The age diagnosis was the same except it was ten times worse when compared to the fact that he had the same injuries at 3 years old
Pomfrey immediately started mending the bones, fixing the cuts, and fixing the internal bleeding caused from the shattered rib puncturing his lung. For the incorrectly grown bones she'd have to give him skeleton-grow. She rubbed salve on the bruises and she gave him dreamless sleep potion so he won't awaken during the painful process. The rest of the people in the room saw the diagnosis and the room was filled with regret knowing they didn't get him out of there but Harry didn't blame them at all it was his fault for not seeking out for help but he didn't want to be seen as week for not being able to stand up to muggles. When all was done that could be done for Harry madam pomfrey left and said she would be back to check on him the next morning. Sirius immediately went to his godsons side and grabbed his hand and began murmuring silent apologies to James and lily for not realizing what was going on. Remus did the same but on Harry's left side and everyone began to sit around him and do the same in their own self pity.

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