Part 4

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We got some wholesome godfather and godson moments in this chapter I couldn't resist 🥺

Harry POV
     Harry woke up to an unfamiliar heat and weight on his chest. His head pounded but he forced himself to open his eyes. He immediately closed them beck when seeing how bright the room was. He slowly opened his eyes once more and began to get used to the light. Harry looked down to see what was on his chest and he was surprised to see a dogs head laying on his chest with his body laying beside him and not just any dog but Sirius. Harry's heart immediately fluttered and he had the urge to pet him. Harry brought his hand up and began to stroke the dogs fur. It was much softer then he imagined it would be. Sirius began to wake up when he felt someone petting him. Harry felt worried maybe he didn't like him petting him but what Sirius did surprised him, he crawled on Harry's chest and laid his head so his head was in the nick of Harry's neck. Harry left out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Harry began to stroke the dogs fur again as he listened to his heart beat. Sirius shuffled closer to Harry and pressed his cold wet nose against Harrys neck and Harry let out a giggle. Harry wrapped his arms around the dog and began to stroke the fur as he slowly fell back into a peaceful sleep.

Sirius POV
     Sirius woke up to someone petting him and he usually never lets anyone pet him but his heart fluttered when he realized it was his godson. He looked healthier than he did the night before. Suddenly Sirius felt worry radiate of Harry. He assumed that Harry felt he would be punished so he wanted to assure him he wasn't in trouble by crawling  on his chest settling his head in the nick of Harry's neck. Harry let out a breath of relief and he's glad he assured Harry he wasn't in trouble. Sirius had worried on what Harry's mental health would be like but he knew he would be ok. Harry slowly began to stroke Sirius's fur again and Sirius wasn't complaining he found it comforting. Sirius was happy for the first time since last night and he shuffled closer to Harry and pressed his nose against his neck. He heard Harry giggle and his heart fluttered. Harry wrapped his arms around him and began to stroke his hair and he and Harry fell into a peaceful sleep as all their worries washed away.

Mcgonagall POV
     We all stayed overnight at grimmauld place due to the circumstances. During breakfast everyone was there except Sirius who stayed with Harry. I told everyone in the room that I would have Sirius come downstairs and I'll watch over Harry if he hasn't woken up yet. But what I saw when I went into Harry's room made my heart break. It was Sirius circled up in his dog form on Harry's chest and Harry had his arms wrapped around Sirius. I quietly left the room and when I got a floor down I stopped worrying if I would be heard and I bolted to the dinning room. Everyone heard the commotion and looked at me worriedly but my eyes were full of happiness.

     "Is everything alright Minerva, is Harry ok?" Dumbledoor asked worriedly.

     I shock my head vigorously and said excitedly,  "follow me everyone and bring a camera this is to cute." Everyone looked suspicious but also excited as what could make Minerva this giddy. They walked upstairs and when they opened Harry's room they all melted from the scene before them. Everyone stared at the two curled up asleep with happy eyes. I went and snapped multiple pictures for everyone. Then after awhile we began to make our way downstairs when the magic in the room shifted and made everyone's hair stand on end. When we turned around we noticed and a magic cloud surrounded Harry as if trying to protect him and multiple items around the room began to rise into the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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