'Bibbity-'Bob'ity's 'Boo' (Bonus Scene) (Bob's P.O.V)

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Due to Wattpad removing my book, "F*ck Me Sideways", I'm uploading each bonus chapter into their respective book. Enjoy

Round... and around... and around...

He liked this new big bowl they had given him. It was bigger than his old kingdom and it was... whale, not that round anymore. He missed that. But at least he still had his sea castle!

Flipping his tail, Bob swam down to it and then through it. When he came out again, he nearly got a blob-attack as he saw the blonde human's face staring at him from the other side. He let out a bubble and then hurried back inside his castle.

Holy squid! That was dolphinitly close!

Carefully peaking out again, he saw that she was gone. Phew. He had once again conquered the evil dangers on the other side of his kingdom.

He was da' fish.

Troutly swimming out again and wiggling his body through the new planty-things they had put in his new kingdom, he begun sucking on a special rock, right at the bottom, between all the others. It was bigger and it tasted better. Mmm, tasty rock...

Suddenly the water started quivering. Bob quickly flipped his tail and looked up and saw the humans were attacking again.

Oh Cod, not his castle again!

He quickly swam to protect it, but to his surprise, they didn't take it. Instead they put a big floaty thing on top of the water and then just left it there. What was that? Were they reely littering his kingdom now? Were they squidding?!

Angrily, but also curiously, he swam towards the abomination. Maybe he could push it away... he was very strong, afterall - he had been eating plenty of his food.

But now as he came closer, the vile, floating thing suddenly moved. Whale, something inside it did. He stopped swimming towards it when he suddenly saw a streak of gold in there, and then saw the most beautiful thing in the entire world.

His own reflection.

Opening and closing his mouth, he watched as the golden thing moved. He came closer, and so did his reflection, until he realized....

Wait, that's not me! Oh, Cod!

It was another fish! Another gold one! Why was it here? Oh herring, was this new fish here to take his kingdom? Had the humans stopped loving him?

But wait, no, that can't be it. If they don't love me anymore, then why are they still feeding me?

Looking at the other goldfish, he saw as it opened its mouth and flapped its tail at him. It was saying hi.

Bob pushed out his gills and blew out a bubble. Hello, other me. Why have you come here? This is my kingdom!

The other fish blew bubbles at him. It laughed in his face! How dared it! What a pain in his bass! Bob flapped his fins.

Listen, you clone! This is my kingdom, my castle! My food! You won't get any of it, it's mine!

The other him swam in a circle in its little floaty thing and flipped its tail at him.

Wait a second... he liked swimming in circles, too!

Bob immediately swam in a circle as well, showing off his own circle-skills. The other him did the same and then they continued doing that for a while.

Bob couldn't help but notice the way the other him swam around so easily, so beautifully. And codclam, he had beautiful scales. They shone so beautifully as he moved, and those fins...

Wait a second...

- He did just that, and the forgot what he was thinking. He swam in a circle instead.

Oh, wait! He remembered!

No, wait, there it went again. He swam in another circle. And another. And one more. Where was that big tasty rock again? Yes, he wanted to suck on it again. Maybe—

Oh, Cod! The other him! That was it!

He quickly swam up to the floating abomination and poked his nose against it. The other him on the other side did the same.

Who are you? I demand you tell me! This is my kingdom and you're not welcome!

"Look, I think they're making friends," A voice suddenly said, startling Bob to swim down to the plant-thingies to hide. He peaked out and saw both of the humans standing on the other side of his kingdom, staring in at him. "I told you he was lonely, dolcezza."

The short-haired human looked at the blond human and then put his big and dangerous mouth against the other human's face. The other human widened her own mouth, showing off those scary white teeth.

Bob let out a nervous bubble.

"Maybe... but what if he doesn't like her? What if she's not his type? What if—"

"You tried to kill me at first, remember? I'm sure Bob will be like his mamma and welcome his new lady friend after a bit of bickering." The short-haired human replied to the blonde one who still looked nervously Bob. Bob swam a little closer to her and poked his nose against the invisible barrier between them. When her giant fin came up and poked back, Bob let out a bubble and quickly swam away.

He almost just died!

"How long does the plastic bag need to float in the water before we can let her out?" The blonde human now asked.

"An hour should do it. Just let them get acquainted, tesoro."

The humans then left and Bob offishelly felt even moreconfused now.

Wait a second...




... What was he thinking again?

Bob swam down to his tasty rock and begun sucking on it. Mmm, delicious...

- Other him!

He hurried up to the floating thing and looked at the other him again. It was still there, swimming around, looking like him.

But wait... it wasn't him. It wasn't a him.

It was... a her?

Bob blew out a bubble.

A her. A female goldfish. A potential... Queen to his kingdom?

Bob opened and closed his mouth, watched the her through the float thing. The her watched him back, flapped her fins a little.

Bob stared...

And then blobbed at her.

He waited anxiously a moment, but then the her flapped her tail and blobbed back.

Blob-blob. Glub-glub. Blob, glub.

Bob slowly swam towards the float thingy and poked his mouth against it. He began sucking on it.

And on the other side, the her did the same thing. They did what the humans had done a moment ago.

Bob then stopped sucking on the thingy and looked at the her. And again, the her looked back.

He let out a bubble.

He was in love.


• • •

- I swear I'm still sober.

And hereby, I leave this wall to salmon else. I hope it won't be a turtle disaster. I mean, Farrah is brill-iant. (I'm so sorry, I'll scale back on the puns now) ... (I'm sorry again, I saw my oppor-tuna-ty and took it, I didn't mean to be koi)

Okay, I'm done now. (But if you think of anymore fish puns, let minnow)


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