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Glaring at Vince, my ears still ringing from the high sound that popped my eardrums seconds ago, I tried to fight the grip he had on me. "What the hell did you just do?!"

Vince lifted a little smirk to his lips. "Frequency jammer in my pocket. All I had to do was push one little button..."

I should've known. Those things were the Armageddon of listening devices. "How'd you know it was me? I was in disguise, I wore a mask."

"It was never about what you covered up, it's what you didn't cover up..." His hands suddenly ran up my thighs, rounding my ass. "I told you I'd recognize that thong anywhere – and the ass that comes with it, too."

Of course. Why didn't I think to consider my ass? That was, after all, perfectly normal. "Get your paws off me, Vince. They know you zapped my earpiece, so my people will be coming to grab your ass any minute."

"Hmm..." He thoughtfully hummed. "Now why would they do that? They have no proof that I have your information on me. I might still be a wanted man, but what am I worth without it? Besides, I bribed the doorman to this room. If anyone decides to storm this place, he'll knock twice."

I just glared at him. Damn fucker knew we didn't want to take him down before we knew he had what we wanted. We simply couldn't let the information be out there anymore. It was a matter of national security.

It ended here tonight.

Punching him square across his jaw, I managed to land the blow, hard. He didn't see it coming, or maybe he did. Maybe he knew that that blow was just a distraction from getting his metal from the strap-holster under his jacket. And maybe that's why he caught my hand before it even got close.

Grabbing me tightly, he hurled me around and pushed me into the chaise lounge, pinning me beneath him with his heavy body. I cursed and shouted at him, tried to wiggle my legs around him to tilt him off, but it was useless. It was like trying to move a building with your bare hands – or legs, in this case.

He effortlessly lifted my hands up above my head, and just then I managed to catch a flash of silver before I felt the unmistakeable cold sensation of metal locking around my wrists and – yeah, you guessed it – strapped me to the chaise lounge. I started cursing and yanking at the cuffs uselessly. "Oh, you can not be serious! Get these off me!"

"Not funny, is it?" Vince gloated on top of me. "Getting shackled down when you're in a compromising position."

"So that is what this is all about?" I growled, writhing and wiggling beneath him. "Getting more payback on me? Wasn't the alley enough?"

"It's always been a game to you, Rya, but not to me. The first time I saw you standing there in your apartment, speaking to your pet fish..." He leaned down, smirking slowly. "I knew I had to have you. So beautiful and strong, if not a little mental. My kind of woman. I will never get enough of that."

My heart was racing, and when I felt his hand tickle across the exposed skin on my stomach, I shivered. "You're crazy if you think you're going there again with me."

"And just what exactly do you plan on doing to stop it?"

"Are you saying you'll go there without my permission?"

"Deny it all you want, bella mia, but you know you want me."

The ego on this one, goddamn.

Okay, maybe my ego wasn't any better. I had been saying for so long that I was going to kill him, yet somehow I always ended up... not killing him. I ended up here, in this position, beneath him or restrained by him, trying to block out that horny voice in my head that wanted this to happen. But I couldn't let it.

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