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Three gorgeous covers made by a gorgeous reader. After you're done checking them out, check out the song I added

"What the Italian fuck."

Those were the first words out of my mouth when we pulled up to a mansion. Okay, mansion could be overdoing it a tad. It was just one of those houses that looked really rich with lots of garden and charm. It screamed Italy right from the foundation to the chimney, to the soft beige color and the orange roof.

"Siamo arrivati, signorina," The driver spoke to me in flat Italian.

"Mulțumesc," I replied in Romanian. When the driver just looked at me with confusion through the rearview mirror, I raised a brow. "Its not fun, is it?"

Instead of giving the chauffeur a chance to keep up, I just clicked myself out of my seatbelt, grabbed my bag and headed inside the giant house, using the code to the installed keypad that Vince had texted to me just after I left. Stepping inside the fancy-schmansy house, I looked around. From what I could tell in the dark, we had ourselves another luxury place. I wondered if this belonged to 'A.T.S' as well.

Through some doors I could see a big pool, one I was sure I was going to make good use of tomorrow. As for right now, all I wanted was a bath and then a dive into the covers of a soft bed. And that's exactly what I did.

I searched through the grand house, taking notice of all the fancy furniture as I went, before I found the master bedroom with a kingsized bed. There was an adjoining bathroom with a great, big shower stall, one I immediately jumped right into and used to scrub away the ten hours of sweat and other substances I had been smothered in since the flight. It was a blessing to finally feel clean.

Once done, I slipped into the breeziest nightgown I could find since Italy was a much warmer climate than I was used to sleeping in. Then, I finally landed on top of the soft bedsheets in the kingsized bed and groaned in bliss. "Sweet fucking mother of Italian baby Jesus."

I fell asleep almost instantly after making sure my gun was within arm's reach. I could hear cicadas cricking outside, lulling me into a peaceful sleep.

Peace. Something I hadn't had in a long time and doubted I would get much of in the close future.

At some point during the night, I felt the bed dip, and even in my half-sleeping state, I managed to sense a body curling up to mine, an arm slinging over my waist and pulling me closer. I felt a hardness against my butt, then a long, tired sigh close to my ear. Of course I knew who that sigh belonged to.

"What are you doing?" I mumbled, too tired to even open my eyes or voice a proper protest.

"In Italy we would call it ci stiamo coccolando," Vince's deep voice whispered in my ear. "In America... I believe you call it... spooning."

I gave weak grunt. "Well stop coccolandoing me. It's making me uncomfortable."

"It's making me very comfortable." He pressed his erection further against my ass.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to ignore the way my lower abdomen tightened. "Vince..."

"Go back to sleep, dolcezza."

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