entry 5

23 0 0

February 17th, 2015
okay so I feel really good about today. I went to a fro-yo place and while my friend loaded her bowl with yogurt and unhealthy toppings, I had Original Tart (90 cals) with a sprinkling of blueberries. I felt good because for once I wasn't the one gorging, but technically it didn't matter because I'm still fatter than her anyway. (she can eat anything and not gain weight!!) so here's today's calories:
B: none
L: none
D: half a sushi caterpillar roll (180 cals)
Snacks: Fro Yo (90 cals)
Exercise: burned 775 cals
Total: - 505 calories OH MY

*does snoopy happy dance*

I'm still fat though. I just have to keep this up and I'll be skinny soon enough.

DISCLAIMER: caterpillar rolls do NOT contain actual caterpillars
- Kat

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