Surprise and Delight Challenge [Closed]

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We all need a little cheer in our lives every now and then, and that's probably no more true than at this time when the world is such a crazy place. With that in mind, why not take part in the Ambassadors' Surprise & Delight Challenge, and spread a little cheer?


Directly in the comment section below, we want you to write a six-word story.

The theme of your six-word story should be surprise & delight, as well as whatever the theme of the profile you're writing your story into the comment box is, for example:

1) If you're writing your story into the comment box of this challenge on the YARomance profile, your six words should be surprise, delight, and romance themed.

2) If you're writing your story into the comment box of this challenge on the WattpadGaming profile, your six words should be surprise, delight, and gaming themed.

3) If you're writing your story into the comment box of this challenge on the Horror profile, your six words should be surprise, delight, and horror themed.

4) If you're writing your story into the comment box of this profile, we'd like to give you the option to make your six words surprise-and-delight- themed OR surprise-and-delight-and-series-themed where you write 2 or more six-word stories that read like a very tiny, micro series. You can put each six-word story on its own line in the comment. Please remember, each line needs to be a complete story (Hint: try thinking of each line as the summary of the whole book).

For example, here's a six-word story series:

Singer dazzles town with impromptu concert. 

Appreciative outpouring convinces singer to stay. 

Lovestruck, new town becomes singer's home.

If you're writing your... OK well you get the point, right?

5) Wherever in the world you are (yes, even Antarctica) you are absolutely welcome and encouraged to take part.

6) You can enter the Surprise & Delight Challenge as many times and across as many participating profiles as you like.

7) Your entry/entries must adhere to Wattpad's Content Guidelines.

Entry to the Surprise & Delight Challenge will close at 23:59 BST on Friday, April 30th.

Participating Profiles:












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