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And we are back! You
be seeing a little of what
Tomomi can do as her powers
are maturing.

I'm excited to have her see
Dabi again~

i am fully okay with spamming
so you can go as wild as you
want when commenting on
my books......\

happy reading!

     Training officially begins the next morning but Tomomi couldn't properly sleep as she kept hearing that ringing in her head. It sounded haunting and melodic at the same time. And everytime she tried to fall asleep, it got louder.

     "Agh!" She groaned, tossing her blanket off of her body. Angrily, she got up and carefully walked out of the room to see if she can follow that sound. Looking back, she made sure the girls were still asleep as she quietly stepped into the hallway.

    Slowly closing the door, she turned as the melody kept playing in her ear. "What is that?" She whispered, trying to look through the dark as she walked slowly down the hallway. "Hmmmm.....whatever it is, I wish it would shut up."

    "Good, you're already awake." A voice made her jump and almost attack it.

    When she turned around, she saw Aizawa standing a couple of feet away from her. He was dressed completely but he was wearing a black coat and his hair was pulled back into a low bun.

    "Get dressed now," He said, tossing something at her. "Me and you are going hiking."

    Tomomi caught the object, which she realized was a dark blue umbrella. She knows it's not raining right now. Why does she need a umbrella?

   "Come on, munchkin!" He said again, more demanding than before. "Daylight waits for no one."

   Tomomi blinked a few times before doing as she was told.

      Tomomi got dressed in black yoga pants, sneakers, a grey shirt and a black jacket as she and Aizawa had been hiking up a mountain near the campsite for about 45 minutes now. Daylight hadn't begin and she was beginning to wonder what Aizawa was planning.

     "Why do we need umbrellas?" She asked in a huff.

    "Where we're going, we'll need it." was all he said as they continued on. Tomomi rolled her eyes, feeling grumpy and tired. "Don't roll your eyes at me."

    She sighed, resisting the urge to do it again. Her legs were sore and she just wanted to go back to sleep before training started. Not like she was getting any sleep in the first place.

    After about 10 more minutes, the two made it to the top of the mountain. Tomomi looked at the view in complete awe. It was so beautiful. It overlooked almost all of the land. Suddenly, as she was enjoying the momentary peace, it started to rain heavily on her head.

   Shocked, she quickly pulled out her umbrella and opened it, shielding herself from the water.

    "That's why we need umbrellas." Aizawa said, standing next to her with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his black umbrella. "This overlook is called Eternal Rain. Ironic name, seeing as it is the beginning of summer."

    Tomomi looked at him as he began telling her all about this overlook.

   "This mountain has a myth to it." Aizawa said, looking over the entire campsite. "Millions of years ago, Okami, the Shinto deity of rain and snow, used this very spot as a crying spot. He was often saddened over the lives lost during war times so he caused an eternal rain storm to be casted over this very spot.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄. 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘪 ✓Where stories live. Discover now