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outfit is in the media

i wanna give you all
something wholesome
before i mercilessly
push you all into the
darkness again

aren't i just the sweetest?

don't be a ghost reader

happy reading!

            Tomomi has nerves of steel. Or titanium. But today, it was a different narrative. Today, the sun was out, the birds were chirping and the air felt nice. It was a beautiful saturday morning. Most of the students in 1-A had stayed in the dorms for the weekend, while some went home.

    And all day, Tomomi had been a walking ice berg around the dormitory. Not that anyone else was complaining, it was a hot day.

   Kirishima, dressed in nothing but a white tank top and grey sweatpants, walked out of the elevator, scratching the back of his flattened hair. He made his way to the kitchen for a bottle of water when he heard mumbling from his left ear.

    He paused his drinking to see who it was that was mumbling very fast. Also, it had gotten gradually colder the closer the mumbling got.

   Suddenly, in came Tomomi, dressed in a pretty yellow sundress and white strappy wedges. the front part of her hair was tied back with a yellow ribbon and she was fiddling with her matching yellow Chanel purse. She was also wearing her signature pearl earrings and necklace.

   But she looked troubled. Like she was trying to remain calm but failed, miserably. So much so that she didn't even noticed Kirishima or the fact that it was snowing inside of the kitchen.

   Kirishima grinned softly at her, twisting the cap back on his water bottle. He has to admit. Tomomi was seriously one adorable individual. He could see why Bakugou loved making her shy.

    She's so cute He chuckled in his mind as he watched her sit at the kitchen island.

   "Oh!" Tomomi looked up from fiddling with her long white nails. She blushed when she noticed that Kirishima saw her nearly have a melt down. "Kiri-chan! I did not know you were in here."

   "Am I really that easy to look past?" He joked, sitting across from her. "You look troubled, Avalanche. Anything you wanna talk about?"

    Tomomi sighed, giggling a little at his joke. She leaned her chin on her dainty hand, tapping her nails on the surface with her other hand. "Today, I am supposed to meet Katsuki-chan's parents and.....I'm feeling a bit timorous."

    "I'm gonna pretend I know what the word timorous means and offer my help." Kirishima chuckled out. It was very confusing to talk to her whenever she used words not many people used.

   The only other people that could keep up with her and her big words were Midoriya, Tokoyami, Momo, Bakugou and Iida.

   "I mean I'm nervous." She clarified.


   "I don't want to make a bad impression on them." She explained, folding her hands together. "He's my first ever relationship and I know I was the one who agreed to meet them but....I guess I was in over my head and now, I don't want to embarass myself in front of them....What if they think I'm not worthy enough for their son?"

   Kirishima was nearly shocked to hear that she was insecure about something like this. She was the whole package! She was the only one of them that Bakugou will listen to and she was the only one that can keep him in line when he got too big headed.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄. 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘪 ✓Where stories live. Discover now