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so remember when
i said that akira plays
a role in tomomi's kidnapping?

well, not him but his
father. there was a reason
why he wanted to meet
tomomi and he used his
son as an excuse....sort of.

don't forget to vote and
comment. don't be a ghost
reader please....

happy reading!

    "I have warned you too many times about my patience, Mr. Tsukumo." Kai Chisaki, aka Overhaul, spoke in a low and gravelly voice as he sat across from Akio Tsukomo.

    Kai Chisaki was a young captain of the Shie Hassaikai Yakuza in Japan. He was a man known for many things. One of them being he was a very impatient. Also he was a big germaphobe so the face that Akio had his mug of steaming coffee on his desk with no coaster, just letting the condensation get all over the desk space, also pushed his buttons a bit. But he had to fight through it.

   He had a goal and that is to rid the world of quirks. To Chisaki, quirks were a virus and being a villain and hero is a sickness plaguing this world. He sought to rid the world of the sickness. All personal reasons aside, he also wanted the Yakuza to have power again. And they can't do that if people with special abilities are roaming free. Villain or not.

   They all were pests in his eyes. They all needed to be eradicated.

  "Look, I found something I think could be of use to you." Akio said quickly as his men place their hands on both of his shoulders harshly.

  Not too long ago, Akio Tsukumo, a famed millionaire, became Chisaki's eyes and ears. He needed more people to test out his expierements and he would lead Chisaki to them. Lately, Akio had not been doing his job as swiftly as Chisaki wanted.

  And that is why he made an unexpected stop to his office building.

  "You have exactly one oppurtunity to tell me something I'm going to like or I will kill you." Chisaki said as emotionless as he usually is.

  "Her name is Tomomi Todoroki." Akio said, shakingly pulling out a file from his drawer and placing it on the desk for him to grab. "She's the youngest daughter of the hero Endeavor."

  Chisaki looked through the file boredly as he spoke. His eyes scanned over pictures of this Tomomi Todoroki. Leaving school, walking to school, exiting a building and everything. As much of an effort Akio made to keep watch of this girl, he was wondering why he was so bent on this little girl?

   I see she got good genes.....Chisaki thought, appreciating her good looks a little. No way that could be from her father....fucking ugly.

   "What's so special about this juvenile?"

   "She has the X cell in her." Akio revealed, capturing his full attention. "The same one you've been looking for."

   Chisaki's eyes lifted to stare at him in a slight shock. Though on the inside, he was thoroughly shocked. The X Cell was something that was super rare when it came to quirks. It developes ones quirk slowly but it ensures them great power. Also anyone that has it is automatically placed on the EXTREMELY DANGEROUS: ENGAGE WITH EXTREME CAUTION list with the hero commission due to their quirks now being classed as a grade a weapon of destruction.

   How this girl was able to walk freely without being held in containment is beyond him and also very impressive. Her entire body and quirk is very valuable and expensive. If he was able to have her, she could be the missing ingredient for his quirkless serum.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄. 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘪 ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora