Chapter 5

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Katsuki's heat summarized and other people find out about his status. Also more bro talk.

Going to the rooms was not much of a problem but leaving was harder. Katsuki pressed himself to Eijiro's side, unwilling to let go. He eventually relented when Eijiro gave him his shirt so he had his scent with him during his heat. Katsuki was really not happy about that but he knew the rules.

Eijiro gave him a cheerful smile and patted his hair again before he left the room, leaving Katsuki to himself.

Eijiro and Aizawa walked back to the dorms. "That was unexpected, huh?" Eijiro asked the teacher. "I mean Katsuki of all people is an omega."

"Hmpf, yeah. I was surprised too. But honestly nothing should wonder me with this class." He put his hands into his pockets.

"True ..." Eijiro answered.

When he arrived at the dorms, some of the others were already awake. "Good Morning ... Why are you shirtless?" Momo asked.

"Uhh ... I brought Katsuki to the designated rooms" he answered.

"So he finally presented ... but this doesn't explain your shirtlessness ... not that I mind", Momo flushed after her comment.

Eijiro just shrugged. "I was fast asleep when he knocked on my door. I went without a shirt", he answered.

Momo gave a little 'oh' sound, she stared at Kirishima, still blushing. Yawning, Eijiro made his way back to his room. He needed more sleep.

Katsuki thought he was going through hell. Heat was a terrible, terrible thing! He was disgusted by the slick that was dripping out of him uncontrollably; everything was too hot, too. He sometimes wasn't even lucid. The nurse had to remind him to eat and to drink.

The first day was somewhat normal. He was lying in this shitty bed – he really wanted to be in his nest – and he clung to Eijiro's shirt like it was a lifeline and he would drown without it. The scent was calming him in some moments but in others it made him absolutely horny.

The second, third and fourth day however were absolute nightmares. He was not lucid most of the time and he couldn't remember what happened. He was completely out of it. It was a terrible feeling.

The fifth day was somewhat okay again. He came to his senses and he felt so exhausted. But he also wasn't done yet. He had trouble with eating and the nurse basically had to force him. He growled at her for that.

It was over at the sixth day. He finally came down and his hormones stopped working in overdrive. He was lying in the shitty nest, still clinging to Eijiros shirt, even though most of the smell was gone.

He was wobbly on his legs, he had trouble moving around but he wanted to get rid of the slick that was smeared all over him.

He took a hot shower and tried to calm down. He dried himself off and changed into his freshly washed cloths. Recovery Girl gave him Heat Suppressants and waved him goodbye after that.

The thing he didn't have, were scent blockers so he had to go through the common area without them. He hoped that no one was around, but it was Saturday again, so he was out of luck. The Bakusquad was present, as well as round face, Deku and pony tail.

"Oh, hey Kacchan", Deku greeted him. Katsuki growled at him. Now his mind was clear again and he thought that his stupid attraction to Deku's scent was finally over.

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz