Chapter 46

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The Exam - Part 1

A loud alarm sounded and the students made their way over to the battlefield – Ground Beta. All of them were tense. This would be really, really hard. Everyone knew that.

Kyoka and Mezo immediately used their quirks to locate some of the pros. "Gang Orca is near the river." Kyoka informed. "I can hear Fat Gum at 5 o'clock he is about two kilometers away." She listened again. "Mirko is jumping around between 12 and one o'clock in about one kilometer distance."

"I've spotted Hawks!" Shoji informed. They all moved to the side of a building. "He is at nine o'clock, he is far above us, so be careful."

"Any intel on the others?" Midoriya asked. He sniffed the air, his eyes glowed yellow. All his senses were heightened now.

"Hmmm, Ryukyu is somewhere at twelve o'clock about three kilometer away from us. And it sounds like Pixie Bob is creating some earth creatures in the park area on eleven o'clock."

"Froppy and I will head there" Uravity said.

"Wait" Mezo held her back. "Neijire-chan is flying around in the area, I just spotted her."

"Guys, is there anyone behind us in the area at about eight o'clock, if not, I will prep my tape all over there" Sero asked.

Kyoka listened in this direction. "No, you're good to go. Stay in the shadows and remember we haven't found Hound Dog yet. And Hawks may move in that direction too."

"Alright" he used his tape to quickly cross the street and off he went.

"I'll go, get Mirko, we need to get her out of the picture quickly." Deku growled. Then, instead of the bright and flashy full cowl, he used blackwhip to move through the streets, much like Hanta.

He hadn't told the others, yet, but while training with Endeavor, he had unlocked three more quirks. He was in constant communication with the other users of One for All, they had helped him greatly through these times. Sometimes they cleared his head for him, when the beast took over. It was actually thanks to Nana, that he had stopped himself from mating Katsuki.

He activated Float and with blackwhip, he pulled himself through the streets. He had a sharp toothed smile on his face, this was going to be fun.

"I guess I'll get Fat Gum now, I can't take any other opponent on before. I know that my Unbreakable won't hold if I did."

"Alright, but be careful" Momo warned.

"Yes" Eijiro's eyes glowed yellow too and with that he ran through a back alley towards Fat Gum.

Kyoka was about to say something, when a shockwave hit them "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" The students covered their ears immediately.

"Damn, Present Mic!" Kyoka growled. The others groaned in pain.

"We need to take action now. We should disperse. Earphone Jack, Tentacole, please continue to give us the locations via the headphones. We can't stand around here." Tenya ordered.

"Alright, will do. I'll try to focus on Mandalay and Hound Dog first. They need to go."

With that, they dispersed and were on the look out for the pros, they changed directions, according to the information's Kyoka and Shoji were giving them.

It took them a while but eventually Kyoka found Hound Dog, he was directly charging at Ochako and Tsuyu. "You need to get away!" Kyoka told them over the headset. "Sugarman! Try to stop Hound Dog!"

"YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" sounded another blast from Present Mic.

"We need to get him! Anima can you get the insects ready?" Kyoka asked.

"Not jet, it is not as easy here. I need to get to the park first!" Anima answered.

But before Koji could get to the park, he was attacked by Ectoplasm, he shrieked. "Oh you birds that are around here, please attack this man" he commanded and all birds in the vicinity came to attack Ectoplasm.

Ochako and Tsuyu yelped in shock, when Hound Dog jumped in front of them. This time, he didn't have a muzzle, he barred his teeth at them. "I found the real Froppy" he growled into his headset. "You thought you were clever but you are not grrrrraarr", he snarled.

"Ribbit, damn, they got us so quickly" Tsuyu jumped in the air, pulling Ochako with her. They couldn't stop here, they needed to take down Ryukyu.

Hound Dog pounced and he aimed for Tsuyu. "Forget it!" A giant explosion blasted the Dog Hero away. Ryo growled, he mustered Katsuki, who stood in front of the girls.

Rikido appeared next to Katsuki. "Let's settle this, you go get the dragon!" The omega yelled to the girls.

"Alright!" with that they ran away. Hound Dog wanted to catch them but Rikido and Katsuki stopped him.

"You won't follow them!" Rikido punched his fists together and charged at Hound Dog.

Ryo dodged easily but then he was faced with another explosion. Katsuki was on his way to Neijire-chan, but he found this situation first.

Tenya moved quickly in the direction where Midnight was located. But he was stopped by a lot of Ectoplasm clones. Without hesitation he charged at them. He took them down with a single kick each.

In the distance he heard Present Mic yelling again. He focused on the clones and got rid of them one by one.

Mashirao, Denki and Yuga faced a different problem. Pixie Bobs Earth Creatures blocked their way to Gang Orca.

"Nyah!" The cat lady purred. "All you lovely little betas, you can be mine, if you can beat my creatures."

Denki growled. "Nope thanks!" he sent a shock wave towards Pixie Bob. He broke a few pieces off, of the creature, that blocked his way but it wasn't enough.

Mashirao destroyed one of the creatures with his tail. "Woah, you got really strong with that!" Denki was baffled.

"Thanks, but no time to discuss it. Can't stop twinkling, use your navel laser to destroy the other creatures!" Ojiro ordered the other boy.

Yuga shot his laser at the creepy creatures. "Oui!" He managed to destroy two more.

"Chargebolt, you need to get to Gang Orca! We'll open a way for you!" Mashirao shouted.

They attacked the creatures again while Denki took a different route. He didn't want to disappoint the others here.

Hawks smiled, when he saw that Tsukuyomi was flying up to him. He had hoped that he would face the bird boy. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow came straight at him. It was really impressive!

The omega dodged easily and he flew on the spot. He had turned around and looked now excitedly at Tokoyami. "Ooh, I see, you're my enemy! This will be interesting!" he smiled brightly.

Tokoyami hovered in the air with Dark Shadow. "I will beat you, Hawks" the student grumbled. "Piercing Twilight Claws!" Dark Shadow's arms charged forward and he grabbed for Hawks, but of course he was faster.

Without hesitation, Fumikage ordered Dark Shadow, to follow the pro, they needed to get him!

Endeavor was standing on one of the buildings, his arms crossed before his chest. He looked down to the streets. He waited for Mandalay's update. He wanted to fight Shoto of course; even though he was interested in Midoriya's and Bakugo's progress too.

His eyes scanned the streets and he saw Pinky and Creati running down the street. They moved quickly between the buildings, clearly trying to sneak by. He was about to jump down and take them out, but Mandalay's voice in his head stopped him.

'Mirko, watch out. Midoriya is on his way towards you. – Gang Orca be careful, Chargebolt is approaching you too. Dynamight and Tailman are engaging with Hound Dog. Shoto is on your way, Endeavor.'

He huffed and a grin showed on his scarred face. "Good, come, Shoto! Show me how good you have become." He growled.

Not as planned 1 - Katsuki BakugoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora