Chapter 3: Intro to the Commenters

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CHAPTER 3: Intro to Commenters

            If you couldn’t figure it out, this is merely an introduction to the best and worst people on Wattpad!

Readers, meet the commenters. These people are either the best things to grace a story or the absolute worst. I’ve had my fair share of all the types of commenters. If you are a commenter, I encourage you to classify yourself into one of the following categories and feel free to give a shit about how writers feel about the comments you leave! If you have no shits to give, that’s alright, too. I am merely here to announce my opinions, not shove my opinions down your throat and make you do something you don’t care to do.

            Speaking of shoving things down other people’s throats; let me tell y’all a thing about what you are reading. I AM NOT telling you what you should comment. I AM NOT demanding that you change your commenting style or, in some cases, bitching. I AM NOT forcing you to do squat! I’m only suggesting that you think about what you say before you press that little comment button.

            Someone in a previous chapter called me out for wasting my time. To you, good sir or Madame, the only waste of time was reading and replying to that berating comment. I would like to announce to you and anyone else reading, I am a teenager with many real-world problems. Think of this as my Wattpad-exclusive diary where I blurt anything I fucking feel like blurting. As you claimed, “Authors can’t control how readers comment anymore than readers can control what an author rights.” And you know what? You’re damn right. So here’s me writing what I feel like writing, all the while giving no shits what people say against me or my OPINIONS in the comment section.  

Anyway, moving on to the commenter classifications…

            The Creative Critic- the wonderful, blessed human beings who comment something that helps the author understand how to write. A creative critic comments on things he/she likes or doesn’t like about a chapter or story. They do this without sounding like a degrading asshole. To all you Creative Critics out there, thank you for your helpful critiques that helped me become a better writer. It really shows when you read one of my older stories vs. one of my newer ones.

            The Critic- the haters of Wattpad. They’re the ones who point out all your flaws and typos and definitely not in the nicest way possible. Some critics are better than others, but generally they point out anything wrong with a chapter. Sometimes they are indeed helpful, but sometimes they bug the living shit out of writers.

            The Whiners- the individuals who complain about the tiniest details. Let’s say there is a bully named Chloe. It is a random name I chose out of the billions of names out there. There will always be those people who also happen to have the name Chloe or know a person named Chloe and assume I am attacking them by making my character Chloe a bitch. Odds are, I do not know you. Your name happens to share the name of the bully/bitch/antagonist in my story? Tough luck! I’ve read stories where my name is pain-in-the-ass little sister or something and I honestly couldn’t give two shits. They’re NAMES! Just because you have one doesn’t mean that name belongs to you! For fuck’s sake! They’re not usernames! ANYONE COULD HAVE THAT NAME!

            The Assholes- the people who write rude and degrading comments for the hell of it. Maybe they don’t like your story or they don’t like a character in it so they decide to bash it in every chapter. Like, ok, if you don’t like my story or its characters then DON’T FUCKING READ IT! Like, you do realize no one is forcing you to read my story, right? If you don’t like it in general, then just stop reading! I don’t need to hear about your personal problems about my story in every single chapter! If you want, say the one thing you don’t like and move on! I don’t need it repeated to me twenty or more times! If this is you, you better fucking expect me to sass the hell out of you! And do not get surprised or offended if I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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