Chapter 1: The Author

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I’m going to start this trail of tears and terror with the most important thing to any story: the author.

Without the author, there would be no story.

Anyone can be an author, but those who put their ideas to paper become authors. To become an author, like many of the people on Wattpad, one must sacrifice time, abandon sleep, and ignore the call of society. To write takes concentration and inspiration. To write for free on a public website for the world, for thieves, for children, and for creeps takes confidence, dedication, and passion. When an individual writes stories for free for the whole world to see is a whole different atmosphere than published, hardcover, best-selling authors.

Put simply, we are not being paid to spend time entertaining strangers!

Most of the people on Wattpad, if not a vast majority, are under the age of 30 years old. Almost no one is a retired man or woman contently spending their bountiful amount of time passionately writing stories.  The men and women who write for Wattpad are students, working citizens, mothers or fathers, or volunteers. They are people with lives to live and people to love.

            I have learned the hard way that time is limited and people tend to come and go. With the clock ticking, the computer is not a priority. You’ll look back and think, “What was I thinking?”  I don’t know about most people, but I was thinking that I had all the time in the world, that I would be able to say “thank you,” “hello,” and “I love you” thousands of more times. When you waste away behind a computer writing for strangers, you miss out on those times.

            Believe it or not, Wattpad authors have lives to live! They do not live and thrive in a computer, spending their days entertaining you! Writing for free for bratty, rude, and immature readers isn’t going to buy them their next meals, or afford the roof over their heads, or support their families. They have better things to do than be bickered at by children, hermits, and arrogant individuals. Just because you don’t have a life, doesn’t mean they don’t, as well!

            As many of my followers know, I have been on hiatus for more than a year for all but one of my stories. The only comments I get nowadays are demands for updates, commands for an explanation to my “disappearance.” At the beginning of my chapters, I had taken the time to explain that I am no more than a high school student just trying to stay afloat and get into a good college, to study how to become a successful author and a working actress. I have explained that I do not live on the internet, that I have AP classes to pass and a family to support. I do not breathe for you, I do not write for you. I write because that’s what I needed to do to escape the life I was living, to have control over something for once! When I stopped writing, when I took a break, it was because writing and being yelled at by strangers was not going to get me into college or support my two siblings and working mother. I took a break because I needed to get a handle on my life, my actual life where people come and go in a flash.

            Readers, I hope you’ll think about this next time you beg, plead, or demand for an update. I hope you’ll remember this when you begin to type something incredibly rude involving the private life of the author, demanding to know whether they’ve died, demanding to have answers! I hope you’ll know that we are people with family, jobs, and responsibilities that do no concern you when you nitpick at their stories and their absence. I hope you’ll think.

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