Chapter 2: The Reader

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                                                CHAPTER 2: The Reader

News flash!



Shocker, I know.

What? You don’t know what that is?

Well, let me enlighten you.

Definition of Reader: A person who reads, as in, to look at a collection of words as to understand the meaning of something written/printed.

This may come as a surprise to many of you, but usually when you are reading a story, you don’t have the power to change to words to your particular liking. Odds are, the story you are reading is not your own and does not have your name on its cover.

            If you have realized this; Good for you! You get a gold star! Now go have fun you crazy kangaroo!

            If you didn’t know this; what the actual fuck is wrong with you?

One of the things that bothers me to the bone is when a reader comments something like:

            “If that was me I would be like of course it’s because you made out with it and then I punch her and all the people around…” – Anonymous

            “Her wolfs name should be Dominica” - Anonymous

            “If it had been me walking into the canteen, I would have said something along the lines     of

                        ‘The Bitch is back and there’s gonna be trouble’

                        In the tune of that song called her boyfriends back…” – Anonymous

            “i was thinking about something more humiliating but well this should do LOL” – Anonymous

These are only a few, barely a fraction, of these kinds of comments that litter my stories. I kid you not, these are EXACTLY what people have commented, bad grammar and all. I don’t mean to pick on these particular readers who, like all my readers, I dearly appreciate. However, comments that say “I would’ve…” or “You should’ve…” are great big No-No’s in the reader-to-author world.

1.      No offence, but we personally do not care what you would’ve done.

2.      Never tell an author how he/she should have written something

Unless you are a professional, educated book critic you have absolutely no right to tell an author how his/her story should be written. You are not the author. You are the reader and do not have to right to dictate how someone should write unless you are paying them to write for you.

I mean, there is really no point to comment something like that because no matter how badly you want them to, authors are not going to go back and change their idea to fit your personal desire.

In regards to the “I would’ve…” comments, not only do we generally not care, we have an idea that you wouldn’t do what you said you would. People like to think of themselves as things they are not. People like to title themselves with “badass,” “popular,” or “intelligent.” I’m not saying you aren’t what you call yourselves, but you’re not. You most likely will not find yourself in that situation; nevertheless, know how you will act in that situation. Quite frankly, in some of the situations narrated in stories, I hope you won’t find yourself in those situations. I hope you won’t find yourself being bullied, mugged, attacked, or assaulted. I hope you will not find yourself in a situation that authors write about in hopes to make the pain easier.

If you are this kind of reader, I don’t mean to totally insult you. All I am doing is telling you that you are wasting your time and the author’s patience by reading and showing a severe lack of appreciation. I hope in future reads you will enjoy a nice beverage and a comfy position as you spend your valuable time reading the hard work of a person who could be no older than you and who could be no more experienced than you. –Thank you.

The main points:

-          You are the reader

-          Read the damn story

-          Only read the damn story

-          You are not the author

-          Read the damn story

-          Read

-          The

-          Damn

-          Story

This has been KC Blares on Readers. Stay tuned for real assholes of Wattpad: The Commenters 

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