80. Playing God

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CHAPTER 80: Playing God
(Third person POV)

She screamed, kicking his lower legs, his abdomen, "LET GO OF ME!" She chokes on his growl as his fingers tighten around her choking throat, her exposed, bare skin shivers against the snow he tried to suffocate her with, her nose and collarbone was broken as the menacing silver eyes run river red in front of her.

Oswald takes a deep breath, "Daddy." He hears from behind him.

He sharply inhales as Charlize's eyes widen at the sight of the silver-eyed spawn standing at the door, Oswald shoves her naked, mangled body to the bed, cuddling softly all sorts were disposed of behind the dark closed doors of the fireplace, while nine year old Edmund Creed stands in front of her, wide-eyed and angry.

Oswald's spawn she thought, still trying to catch her breath, "Edmund, boy. I told you to always knock before awaiting an answer if you leave your room or a punishment will be accounted for. Get the whip from my office and wait there, remove your shirt at once." Oswald snaps at the boy, who stares up at him.

"What are you doing to that girl?" He asks. Brave kid Charlize thought.

"Teaching her to always listen. Now get to my fucking office." He spits at him, slapping Edmund harshly after kneeling in front of him. The boy's lips tremble as he holds his pale cheek, it was cracked open and the blood in the air thickened with Charlize's as she rips a sheet over herself when the boy looked at her once more, stumbling as he left.

Oswald slammed the door closed, "Fucking kid." He spits menacingly. Turning back to Charlize, he struts over to her as she clutches the sheet to her chest and reaches for the knife at the bedside table, one he's already used on her, he snaps her wrist roughly, throwing the knife to the other wall, she screams at the pain, eyes burning as she stares up into his silver eyes.

"Now, you know. If the child in your womb survives this beating, I will kill everyone you love, before ending you in the most painful of ways. I don't want a spawn of yours in this house!" He roars as he stares down at the girl he used for pleasure, his one true love was the woman who gave birth to the boy he now blames for her death. The boy who now sits in his office, awaiting another beating that Oswald was all too ready to give.

"The boy's mother. Edmund's mother-she's the bitch you love? The one who took your child and left you." Charlize snaps at him, recreating the memory. Oswald retaliates and shoves his knee into her abdomen, right where the week old child was beginning to grow, damage was ineffective now, it was too early, but hurting the unhealthy mother was Oswald's true aim.

Charlize cries out and clutches her stomach, "NO, DON'T!" She screams in pain, hot tears running down her crumbling ice blue eyes, but not from his pain, his torture or his beatings, but a mother's protection for her flesh and blood. She forward rolls and ducks his kick to her temple, swiftly turning around, grabbing the lamp and slamming it against Oswald's temple, cutting her hand in the process.

He grunts in annoyance as the glass of the bulb drops down his muscular shoulder, "Shut your little mouth or I'll throw you out to my wolves and finally be rid of you. Edmund's mother learned of my business, she took my child, our child from me, and he did nothing but cause her death. He deserves these beatings, and so do you because I paid a shit load of money for you!" He roars, sending a fist into her jawline, rolling out his shoulders.

She remembers it to this day now, years later, after she finally injected a specialised serum, painful straight to death into his weak heart and killed the man who murdered her child. She still remembers the pain it lead to when the miscarriage woke her from her slumber with Maven. He felt her suffer while Oswald laughed from his grave.

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