06. You're Getting Angry With Me

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CHAPTER 6: You're Getting Angry With Me

Being it Friday, mid-afternoon, I sat silently in computer engineering; having already completed the class exercise, I allowed myself to wallow at what I was to do within the next hour. My first session with Professor Forthright was this evening. I was not ready to sit alone in a room with him.

For the remaining week, after Tuesday, I saw nothing of the disturbing man, nor did I speak much with Edmund. Who had been secluded in his studies, making me believe he, too, was busy, which kept him away from me, I was mildly glad of that fact.

Charlize Northern's case was like the slow process of picking out teeth. A puzzle where I had to physically go out and look for the pieces, I still had yet to find out who the boyfriend was that Charlize was having problems with.

Whoever it was that had to horrify me, to get my attention, gave me four cases of four similar-looking girls. Their features remained small, blonde with lighter shades than dark. Their eye colours were different. Their ages ranged between eighteen and twenty-four. Charlize had been twenty-two, her fourth year at this Academy before she died.

Corinne Delia is still a case that requires more time, considering I would have to go to the asylum to find anything on her file, only because all files were conducted traditionally; on paper in ink pen and this was still within the last ten years...at this Academy.

I move as slowly as possible down the corridor after exiting the lecture room, not wanting to be the first one out...and not wanting to be the last. I still had that on my conscience, the words, the flashing lights but everything in between. I kept asking myself why I was the one who was given this information and why I was to solve this problem.

The answer was clear...I just didn't want to believe it.

Roaming down the halls, my heart dreads and drops in beat with each slow thump, each footstep of my heels; my phone was scheduled to record anytime I had come close to him but the mere touch of my right-hand forefinger. I had pressed it now as I turned the corner and stepped up towards his door, rolling my eyes and raising my hand to know, only for him to open the door.

I purse my lips as he smiles at me, "Melanie, thank you for joining me. Please, come in." He gestures to me inside.

I strut in, turning back towards him, "Are you certain these sessions usually run this late? It's been a long week. I need the weekend." I act casual as if conversing with him normally, but everything in me is on high alert with this man...I wouldn't even call him a man at all.

He's a barbaric snake always looking for more prey.

He tried hard to lurk in the shadows. But, it's more difficult to attempt to study a particular subject in the shadows when that subject knows how to manoeuvre her way through every shadow she's come across.

Thank you, Mom.

You taught me so very well.

He closes the door and I hear that familiar lock that clenches at my veins, but I knew that if I were required to get myself out physically...the bastard would be a piece of cake.

How I hate cake.

He chuckles, and his expression lightens. He looks far brighter than usual as he removes his jacket and moves toward the chairs where we had sat during the previous session. I eye mine before subtly moving my hand along the sides, ensuring he hadn't placed a remote control syringe or recording device. Anything that could be lethal against me. I take a seat.

"I understand completely, Melanie. For some odd reason, it has been a long week. This session can be casual talk, though I'm required to write things down if you propose any sudden stresses. Have you shown any signs of extreme exhaustion? I noticed something seemed off at that time during dinner when you were reading into the employee list of the kitchen staff?" He asks, offering me a glass of water, to which I politely decline...how much of an idiot did he think I was?

The Little Dove #3 ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora