17. Trampled With Close-Call Encounters

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CHAPTER 17: Trampled With Close-Call Encounters

The city of Vancouver was closing in on its warmest seasons, completely opposite London. The flight felt quicker than I had originally anticipated. My family's SUVs were parked directly outside the jet's landing station. I didn't have to deal with paparazzi, besides the ones out in the main foyer of the airport, which had transparent glass windows. I wore a midnight business suit and silver heels, with my hazed sunglasses and the beaming hot air along my pale complexion.

One of Mom's guards stood outside the back door of the middle, tinted SUV, awaiting my decision to step in, where I knew there must have been aircon.

I slide in, "Don't you look like a force to be reckoned with." He says to me.

I smile, turning my head over to my older-looking twin brother. I drop my head on his shoulder, "You're just trying to make me feel better." I mutter, hugging his tailored waist. He sported an Alexander Amosu Bespoke suit, Us style, and a midnight tie.

"One year, and you're almost beginning to look mature." He whispers, placing a brotherly kiss on my forehead. I sigh in defeat, closing my eyes.

"You still look like road kill on a hot summer's day and not a drop of much-needed water in sight." He pinches my arm at my words, chuckling mockingly.

The driver revs the engine; before I know it, we're on the main bridge.

I cross one leg over the other, "What was Dad like when you arrived?" I ask him hesitantly.

Marvin sighs in defeat, looking straight forehead with his matching amethyst eyes, "Surprisingly calm, he even asked how my studies were going, until Mom walked in and BAM! His attention went back to her, but hers was on me. You know how Mom is." He smiles as if remembering.

I giggle, "I know how Dad is, still as infatuated as he ever was. I didn't realize how rare that kind of love is until leaving the nest." I say metaphorically.

He rubs my shoulder, "I learned that first hand the second I left for Washington. It feels good to see them again, though. You should have heard Mom's questions; 'Your Economical Engagements have developed, love, but what on earth happened to you for your grades in Computer engineering? Like a global recession, Marvin, you'll need to show me everything you've struggled on.' That is what she says before pulling out folders of my academic life's long list. She's trying to persuade me to take over Dad's company." He tells me, using Mom's voice, which was highly graceful and delicate, but always directly to the point.

I raise a quizzical eyebrow, "You dropped Computer engineering because you said you no longer wanted to handle creating the fine arts of software and statistical apps in which you found no interest?"

He 'shh's' me, "Mom has speaker phones activated directly to her phone, idiot. She'd have my head if I told her the truth." He whisper-yells.

I roll my eyes, "How she doesn't already know is surprising?"

He pointedly, "So, I might have hacked into my own account and changed the school software sequencing, so her IP address is the only one that has the added computer engineering course."

I give him my tilted head and eyes of confusion, "Then, why didn't you dig the grades?"

He slumps on the back seat, "Too perfect would have been suspicious; it was better to go below, but she's been focused on seeing what Mathias wants to do; he's pulling his hair out as we speak. I guess he's used to Dad always agreeing with what he's doing when it's just video games on his PC." He explains.

I grab sparkling water from the mini fridge, passing him one and grabbing my own, "Thank you, the heat here is already setting a series of heat strokes down my spine. Why did they choose Vancouver of all places?" He asks incredulously and takes a sip of his drink.

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