Chapter 3: To start a plan

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How dares he. How the fuck dares he? Kidnapping him? Why? Because he made a little anagram in the air?

Voldemort was a face - a half formed face - on someone's head! That's pathetic.

Harry slams the door shut behind him. He places the black book gently at the little desk. To imagine that Ginny's body was trapped in there... Wait. Ginny. He has forgotten about her.

He takes a black pen, amongst all the quills that are placed inside a pencil case and writes down his reply. 'Hey there, Ginny. It's Harry.'

'What happened? Answer me, please! Did I scare you? I'm sorry if I did, but I need to talk to you!'

'No, it's fine. You startled me, but only for a bit. I'm just glad you're alive.'

'I'm glad too, Harry. Well, not for being in here, obviously, but it's better than...'

"Being dead?'


'Don't panic. I will get you out, I promise.'

'Thank you.'

'Hey, Ginny...'


'Did he write to you, after you got inside the diary?'

'No. Why, he's alive?'


No answer.


'I'm so sorry, Harry! I completely messed up! I was so glad I had found a new friend. Tom told me that there were lots of other books like him. And like the idiot I am, I fell right into his trap!'

Harry twists his mouth on the left. He refrains from the urge to agree with the bastard that all this was her fault for not shutting her own mouth up. 'Well, to be honest, you shouldn't have revealed all these things about me. It upset me when I learned it.'

'I know. Can you ever forgive me?'

The boy sighs. 'Yes. I can and I already have. I will get you out, as I said, just... next time, don't go telling strangers about me."

"I swear I won't! Now what about Riddle? Where are you?'

'He has regained a body.'

'Tell me you're kidding.'

'I'm not.'

'Holy mother of... And you?'

'The bastard took me somewhere. A house. I will check the doors and windows later, but I bet he will have them all locked. I have no idea where I am.'

'Wait, you're not in Hogwarts?'

'I don't know if I'm in England, is the question. He was reading a French newspaper.'

'Merlin, Harry, I'm so sorry. We're both...'

'- dipped in shit?'

'Yeah, pretty much. Is he with you now?'

'No, I'm in my room. He gave me the diary'

'What? So easily? Why would he do that?'

'I don't know. He's weird. I mean, of course he is. He's Voldemort. Did you know that?'

'Yes. When it was my time to die, in order for him to lure you down there, he made the -'

"The anagram?'

'Yes. Couldn't resist showing off, the asshole. Sorry for the language.'

'It's okay. I called him a kidnapping creep just minutes ago.'

'And you weren't lying. So what will you do?'

'Honestly? I have no idea...'

'But why give me to you just like that? Aren't kidnappers supposed to want to isolate their victims? I had read it once in one of Charlie's psychology books'

'I don't know... Maybe he thinks he will gain my favor or something? Anyway, it won't erase the previous twenty four hours, so joke's on him, if that's his goal. By the way, how is it inside there?'

'Everything's white and.. I'm still wearing my Hogwarts uniform.'

'Riddle's memories were black and white when he showed them to me.'

'I still have color. I mean, my hair is still ginger and my skin is pink so..'

'Oh. That's - that's good. Look, I want to think a few things over and...'

'It's fine. I understand. You can write to me whenever you want, Harry. I am grateful I have you, else I would turn mad in here.'

'Later then. And... your family cares about you, I swear. They'll be so happy when they see you again.'

'Thanks. That means a lot to me. Later.'

Harry drops the pen on the desk, closes the book and gets up to remove his shoes. He lays down on his - the bed. It's just a bed. It will never become his bed. This is messed up.

So what if he has been offered a bed? Kidnapping is still kidnapping, no matter how properly looking is his new prison. It's still a prison.

Dear Merlin. This bed is so squishy and the covers so fluffy... He falls quickly asleep.

Oh well. He can play 'stubborn Gryffindor hero' after he has had some good time of quality sleep. He deserves it.

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