Chapter 16: Ginny

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Molly and Arthur felt like they dug a hole on the soil and covered themselves up with mud afterwards. Like they were chasing a rainbow.

'Find someone else to sacrifice to get Ginny back.' Easier said than done.

They were fighting with their sons about whom to choose.

"Why don't you obliviate Lucius Malfoy and drag him here?" Says Percy, loading up with anger from the anticipation. "He's clearly the one responsible for Ginny's troubles, isn't he? That's what Ron told us."

"Son, we cannot do that." States Arthur before sighing deeply. "Lucius is my co worker. His disappearance wouldn't go unnoticed."

"Why don't we find a junkie?" Says Fred.

"A junkie?" Stutters Molly who has lost her color a little.

"Or a homeless person." Adds George in agreement. "No one is going to worry about them."

"This is very cruel of you, boys!" Berates Molly. "These people are already miserable!"

"So you'd prefer we attract attention then, mother?" Inquires Bill with a cigarette on his lips.

"I'd prefer it if Riddle could find another solution!"

"You heard him." Says Charlie simply. "There are no other solutions. It's either this or Ginny stays inside there forever."

Molly looks down on the wooden planks of the floor. To be honest, better the junkie. They don't have much of a life anyway...

She leaves a sight out once again. "Fine. Go in the muggle London and... pick whatever person you see fit. But not a very young one. Probably not under fifty. I won't have another young one on my conscience."

Bill looks at Percy and Charlie. "Come on. Let's get going. The sooner we have this over with, the sooner we will get our little sis back."

"Why can't we come?" Asks Fred.

Percy gives them a condescending look. "You will stay here with Ron and Harry."

"We trust your judgment, boys." Says Arthur severely, eyes searching for a confirmation of his sons' morals.

His oldest ones nod, bid their mother goodbye and apparate at once.


They arrive at Trafalgar Square. They take a look around. It's eight at night, so many young people are outside, laughing with their friends and smoking.

They spot at least seven junkies with their corton boxes and dirty blankets and black bags under their eyes, laid before the walls of buildings surrounding the square.

"So... which one?" Whipers Bill.

"Well... I guess we have to see their memories first. Pick the one with the worst life or something." Says Percy.

"Come to think of it, we're doing one of them a favor. At least the one who will get into the book will not feel hungry anymore."

"He won't exactly feel anything, Charlie." Hisses Bill.

"Is it bad that I want my sister back?" Says Charlie defensively.

"We all want Ginny back." Argues Percy.

"Alright, alright... Split up and search them." This is Bill, giving them the final order before they walk to different directions.

Charlie walks towards the junkie in the center of the square, away from the groups of teenagers.

The man looks at least sixty, with a red blouse, ripped jeans, a lime jacket and a red cap. One leg is cut off.

He grimaces and gets his wand out as subtly as he can. He murmurs 'legilimens' and sees through the man's memories.

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