Chapter 25: Children make a mess

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The next morning, despite the day being Monday, Tom woke up, wore a pair of a way more comfortable set of cotton pajamas that he saw near the couch - probably provided by Ben, who was the first of the three to wake up - brew coffee with a touch of milk, for at least six cups and didn't actually go to work.

They were completely drained out of their energy.

Since they had pretty much gifted four horcruxes in just one day to Kingsley, he sent them an early note that allowed them the day off. ('Goodie' said Ben, when he learned it. 'It fits precisely with our program')

So now they are around the small table inside Ben's kitchen.

Mary is eating a piece of toast with raspberry jam spread on it while going through the Prophet, Tom is preparing a bowl of yogurt with apple and banana pieces, cutting the apple in small slices, while Ben is searching through his four yellow drawers for something to eat.

"Wha' a' 'ou searching fo'?" Asks Mary, her mouth stuffed with bread crums, so it doesn't come out very clear.

Ben tsks, annoyed with his own self, as he closes another drawer with, again, no luck. "My Kellogg's, damn it. Where did I put them?"

"Have you checked at the shelf with the pasta?" Inquires Tom lazily, and slides the apple pieces with a knife from his white plate to the plastic yogurt box.

"Yes, of course I have."

"Well, in that case..." Says Tom and draws out his wand, a tracking spell at the tip of his tongue. "The only thing we can do is-"

"No." Says Ben and snatches the other boy's wand away for emphasis. "No magic. It's fucking cereals, man, not a treasure. I want to find them on my own."

He places the wand on the table and Tom tucks it inside the pocket of his pants and doesn't propose anything else.

"Maybe you ate them days ago." Suggests Mary.

"Or he didn't buy new ones."

"Yeah, that too." Says Ben and closes the last shelf to the left, defeated. "I think... yeah. I think I forgot to go to the market."

"Well, that can be easily solved." Drawls the Slytherin and with a wave of his hand, a paper package of Kellogg's appears on the table - flakes with black chocolate.

Ben is left open mouthed. "Did you just steal that?"

"Umm, kind of?" Is the sly reply, masked to sound sheepish. "Don't worry though, I left money on the cashier. Besides, they're muggles. They won't suspect anything. Now eat up."

Ben shakes his head to show his dissaproval, but that doesn't stop him from taking a spoon from the first drawer that is besides the dishwasher machine, pour some milk in a blue bowl, place the spoon inside and fill it with cereal. His hunger outruns his morality code.

Mary isn't so easily persuaded, as she gives a brief glare at Riddle. "Tom?"

"Hmm?" He hums, taking the first few spoonfuls in, without glancing at her.

"Remember that thing I remind you of from time to time? That thing you mustn't do?"

"I don't know." He replies easily, and blows a strand of dark brown hair out of his eye. "You're always saying one thing or another. You expect me to actually pay attention? Please."

She frowns. "In that case, I'll say it again. Stealing is not encouraged - either by Ben or me."

"Wonderful." He mutters, tone faux sweet. He looks up at her brown irises seconds later. "I love how you're used on judging me about the least of things, but when I offer some grand idea, you're usually down for it. That's very contradictory of you. You should check it out."

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