Chapter 33

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Liebe's P.O.V

Man, that punk went out today, the bird is off to do whatever the hell they do and there's nothing for me to do. Why did I even get so comfortable here? I should've just told him that I'd kill him or something, but noooo Liebe you just had to talk.

I messed up, I should've just made a pact with him and taken over his body or something. I just couldn't help, but talk to him, he just gave me a nostalgic feeling I suppose. And now I'm stuck here, all small and exposed, if someone saw me I'm sure they'd go crying for their mommy or laugh at my size.

Maybe I can still turn this around, you know get back in the grimoire and disappear. That's probably for the best, I don't want to have people close to me and if I can prevent that bastard Lucifero from finding me by using that dunce, that's all the better.

I sigh and fly up, I head towards the bathroom and land right in front of the mirror. Do I really want to be left alone? I've already lost someone, someone who taught me what it was like to enjoy life and told me that it was okay for me to be weak. I don't want to go through that again, but maybe this time could be different. I could fight back when that rat bastard shows up again, not only to get revenge, but also to show that I've grown since he last saw me.

I'm not the same devil I was when I got found beaten and bruised by her and I'm definitely not the crying boy who got sealed in that grimoire. Yet, I still can't do anything when it comes down to it. That punk will probably also die and this time I'm sure he won't lose the opportunity to take control of me.

I'm scared…

I don't want to be his pawn, I don't want anyone close to me to suffer. I don't want to be weak, I just don't want any of that.

I looked up at myself in the mirror and saw a tear roll down my cheek and I couldn't contain myself anymore. Countless years of anguish, cursing myself for not even being there in her final moments. Blaming myself for all the damage that I've caused and beating myself up because I'm too scared to open up to others. Do I really deserve this second chance?

I don't have an answer yet I still feel like I already know. I wipe my tears away and look at the mirror again. I am Liebe, I am the anti-magic devil and now I'm a small useless blob of darkness. Will that ever change?

I fly back to the bed and slump into a cushion. Dammit, dammit, dammit. This just isn't my day. I close my eyes and slowly doze off to sleep, crying really makes me tired.


Click, clack, cluck

What in the fuck?

I get woken up by weird sounds coming from the window and I sluggishly get up. It seems like the sun was setting and the bird is finally back; they keep pecking at the window as a sign for me to open it up. I fly up to the windowsill and open it for them and they immediately go past me without even saying thank you in whatever kind of bird language they use and go straight to their nest thingy. I look back at them and they stare back with that deadpan look, then they continue doing whatever even though they look deep in thought.

I make my way towards them and take place next to them.

"So what are you thinking about?"


"What were you doing all day out there?"


"You know you could at least say something like 'chirp'"


"Why did that sound sarcastic? It's probably because you were sarcastic, then I'll take my leave if you got nothing to say."

I quickly left their vicinity and flew over to that punk's desk. I see that he has a journal, so I did what any good devil would and took a look inside of it. Every page was filled to the brim with information about mages, spells, fighting styles and more. I'm quite impressed if I'm going to be honest, that's a lot of research for only one person. I browse through to the newest page and see my name and... a tiny sketch of me?

I don't know if I should be flattered or weirded out. Let's see what he's written down. Flight, check. Anti-magic, obviously. That's all, so nothing about me suddenly becoming this small after seeming so big or me having weapons. Maybe he's still working on my page, wait why do I want him to have those details? I'm not getting attached.

I close the journal and go back to the window, I'm hungry. This whole day has just been me stuck in my own thoughts and I just noticed that I was hungry. My stomach grumbles as I turn from side to side. When will that punk come back?? I want foooood!

And just as I wished, the punk returned.

"Nero, Liebe I'm back. You'll never belie- AGH NERO!!"

I looked in amusement as he was gushing out blood again, I chuckled and felt a weight get lift off of my shoulders. Maybe, just maybe, I can open up a bit, but don't expect it to be much. Tch!

"Punk I want food!"

"Damn you two snarky gremlins. Okay! I'll get you two some food, just stop pecking at my forehead you flying drill!"

Yes, maybe…

Asta of the six leaf clover (written by: Marvelmyst and Soumy42)Where stories live. Discover now