Chapter 42

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Gray's P.O.V

It has been a few days since the attack on the capital and reconstruction has been going smoothly. Since that time I haven't dispelled Asta yet, focused on helping Owen try to keep Fuego stable and have been stuck in the castle helping Father and Marx with the mountains of paperwork. Most of it was complaints, costs and requests for audiences. Jesus, can’t nobles do anything themselves?

Father had told me that he'd hold another captain's meeting today, but it just feels wrong without Fuegoleon, but I'd have to go because if I don't, I might never get vengeance for him.

I walked towards the meeting room. I really don't want to go.

My throat closes up a little. My head was pounding a bit, I just wanted to lay in bed. Why did I want to become a captain, why did I want to grow up so fast?! I can't handle this, I just can't.

In the spur of the moment I turned around and ran. I couldn't handle this, not anymore. I thought that if I became a captain, I'd be able to live carefree with my new family, I'd be able to protect them. I wouldn't have to lose anyone anymore, but this- it's all my fault. If Kento was the captain, he wouldn't have allowed such a thing to happen. He wouldn't have been so arrogant, he could've saved Fuegoleon.

I ran as fast as my short, muscly legs could take me and by the time I had stopped to catch my breath, I had ended up in a bustling marketplace. My eyes couldn't focus, I couldn't see anything clearly. I slowly walked towards a darker spot in my vision and reached out my hand for anything to help me, anyone who'd help me. I know I don't deserve it, but now I just need someone near me.

"Please, please help me..."

"Oh boy... wait- let me finish my snake on a stic-"

And that was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

Orion's P.O.V

Mimi said she had an appointment or something she had to go to, so that means that I have at least some time for an amazing exploration montage! Since we got here it's all just been so crazy even for me. Aah, I really want to try some oven-fresh clover bread. Oh! Oh! Or maybe a parfait! Do they have ice cream here? Wait, snap out of it Orion! Food isn't the only thing in the world. To be a great tourist, you have to expand your horizons and that means it’s shopping time!




Wait, I don't have any money do I....?

Oh well, casual thievery has never been bad. Or I could help people. It's either exciting apple grabbing or being chivalrous. Oh, my poor moral compass, it can't handle this dilemma. But not to give my sweet Mimi any more furrowed brows I'll pick the chivalrous road. Oh, I'm so great!

I strut into the square in all my glory and happen to lay my eyes upon a man struggling to pull a cart. Haha, target spotted! I approach the man and put my hand on the cart handle. He at first seems suspicious of me, but when I didn't run off he showed me a small smile.

"So, where do you need me to put this box on wheels, sir?"

"Ah, if it won't be much of a bother to you I would be grateful if you could put it right next to that booth over there."

"No problem, be done in a sec."

I, in all my glory, pulled the cart to its designated area. Oh my! I sound so smart right now, Mika would be proud of me. I look back at the man and put out my hand. He looks at me kind of confused and scours to grab some coins, but that is not what I want.

"I have no need for your money, I just want some goods from your store."

"Me giving you goods from my store would cost me more in the end!"

"Well true, but I won't take that much and if we split it in a way, I get that handbag and some money, but I'll also advertise your store while I'm walking around. Would that satisfy you?"

"Honestly my boy you're not a good salesman, but you know what? We'll settle on that because arguing with you is taking up precious time. Here you go, but you better rack me up some customers!"

"You can count on me sir!"

Phew, one down and many more to go.


After walking around for a few hours I've managed to cement myself as 'The delusional but helpful mister of the market' or for short, 'boy'. I've helped many a people and received compensation as expected and now I've filled up not one, but two cotton bags full of goods.

I just finished helping this granny with the lunch rush and she gave me the leftovers that people didn't want. I'm surprised though, like who wouldn't want a snake on a stick? It's so creative, so delicious, so perfect! It reminds me of the times I spent on the road...

It's been a while since I've seen those dunces actually, even though they told me they'd follow me to the deepest darkest depths of my armpits, they keep on taking up missions in Spade with barely any time to catch up.

I was gnawing on my snake under the shade to recharge for the next batch of odd jobs when I saw this dwarf looking kid walk towards me. Wait, now that I look at him again... Oh my! it's one of those magic captains!

"Please... please help me."

He said that before he started falling towards the ground. I couldn't catch him because my hands were full and I wouldn't dare to waste food.

"Oh boy, wait let me finish my snake on a stick okay?"



Yeesh, that didn't sound so great. I ate up my snake while looking at his unconscious body, man he's small. I brushed my hands on my shirt and picked up the kid, guess I'll have my hands full with this odd job for the time being.

Well, let's first get him somewhere calmer.

Asta of the six leaf clover (written by: Marvelmyst and Soumy42)Where stories live. Discover now