Baby Alive

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A little girl named emily kept on bugging her mom to get her a baby alive doll. Her mother finally bought her the doll that she wanted. She played and played and played and played with her doll and then she left in the same spot for a month. The doll suddenly became alive. Later  that night, Emily could hear the chant from the baby alive:

"1,2,3,4, your mom is dead, get out the door. 5,6,7,8, hurry up and don't be late." Then, her mother screamed. She was dead. The next night, she could hear: "1,2,3,4, your dad is dead, get out the door. 5,6,7,8, hurry up and don't be late." Her dad screamed. He was dead. The next night, she heard,"1,2,3,4, your brother's dead, get out the door. 5,6,7,8, hurry up and don't be late." Her brother screamed. He was dead. Emily locked her doors and windows the next night. She started crying. She was so terified. That night, she could hear the window opening to her room. Emily hid under her covers and the chant started again:

"1,2,3,4, you are dead, get out the door. 5,6,7,8, hurry up and don't be late." Emily screamed. She was dead. The neighbors came over and found the family dead. They took all of their stuff and brought it to the dump. Even the baby alive. She knew it was the end of her as she made her way to the garbage burner, but she had enjoyed the killing while it lasted.

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