Chapter Thirteen

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The end of summer party turned out to be a bust. A lot of kids flew out two weeks early for some added vacation time somewhere else, and most of us spent the rest of the Aviax summer lying in bed. Cathy Sorrel was furious, and blamed everything on the uproar caused by Ava's summer engagement.

The real party happened at J&Calabras and was arranged by no other than the Ashcroft boys. The restaurant prepared their surf and turf plates and Rob, Ava, Tristan, Dessy, Aly Ridge and Marcus Ashcroft, among others, drank sangrias while lounging on the restaurant porch.

"That was insane," Ava said, sipping on her third glass. "But I'm glad it's over."

"Definitely an insane summer for you, miss almost wife."

Ava sighed. "I think it filled my stupid choice quota exactly, which means I will hopefully not be doing anything else stupid until school comes back."

"You sure about that, sweetie?" Dessy remarked, as Lucianna Carsichi approached, Nathan Blake in tow.

"Vivi!!!" she cried. "Nate is here!!"

"Coming!" cried Ava. She smiled shyly at Nathan. "Hi, Nate."

"Hey," he said.

We laughed as we watched Ava walk off, mouthing 'help!' to anyone who would listen. Rob disappeared just minutes later with Aly and her sister Alessandra in tow, while Dessy went off to sit by the sangria bar, leaving Tristan and myself sitting on the porch.

"Do you think he's gonna be okay?" I asked.

"He's gonna hurt, and hopefully... heal," Tristan answered. "Maybe he'll be back when he's ready."

Thinking about how we'd left things made tears well up in my eyes. "I hope so."

"In the meantime, take care of yourself, okay?" Tristan said, squeezing my hand. "I'll see you around."

He stood up, and headed off to join Rob.

"Great summer?"

Jasper took Tris' seat on the porch beside me. I looked down, wiping my tears. "It was okay."

He took my face in his hands, wiping my tears with his fingers. "It's gonna be okay." He said.

"I know," I said. "It was nice to see you, Jas."

"Jas," he said, a shy smile on his face. "You haven't called me Jas since..."

"Highschool," I finished.

"Keep in touch."


It wasn't three months, but two weeks felt like more than enough with both Ava and Rob by my side. Rob hadn't been to the UK since he was fifteen, so it was like his first time—while Ava jokingly decided she'd spend the last few days of summer trying to search for a 'David Crandall' her age.

We ended up more like traditional tourists and bonded in the process. By the end of the trip, I joked that the Faust-Evemore arrangement didn't need any parental help, as both Rob and Ava had managed to connect with one another themselves. They of course, brushed me off, claiming that the summer had turned me into a hopeless romantic.

"See you next summer?" Rob asked, lugging a large union jack suitcase behind him.

"I guess so," I said. "It'll be fun this time."

"I'm sure," he said with a smile. "See you around, Nat."


There's nothing like my roommate's oversized polka dot bag to welcome me home. The sight of it made me smile, as it was a large, red reminder that my roommate was back. School would be starting soon: junior year... here we go.

Polka dot suitcase aside, an envelope that had been left on my bed also caught my eye. I decided to unpack first, keeping it atop my night desk as I unpacked my clothes and large, newly laundered bedsheet. It was almost sunset by the time I was done. I removed my shoes and lay on the bed, opening the envelope.

Natalie Jane Aressi Abernathy

New York University

Room 234, Rochester Hall

My dearest daughter:

I don't know how to begin writing this. I don't know how we can even explain how this is happening. But this is. It's time, and you're old enough, and... we just cannot take this anymore. Natalie, my darling, your father and I are ready to see you, sweetie. We have had circumstances that have kept us from living a normal life with you, and now they are over. Chris and I, your father, we have decided to end them.

Before you say that we have abandoned you, know that we have been watching your every life step from afar, marveling at each triumph, crying at each failure, and knowing so much of you despite our distance. I know you will have a world of questions, as I do about your life. I... we... oh, darling. It's taken me years. I have had to stop myself from doing this earlier than I promise. But the time has finally come.

We're coming home.

Your mother, Giovanna

Your father, Christian. 

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