|•|Chapter 8|•|

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Last time on : ~the vampire and his pet~ :
Atashi was laying against the cold hard wall of the storage room, his eyes half lidded, sleep deprived, his neck burnt, his hands hurt, his throat hurt...But all he could do was lay there, against the wall, accepting his fate as a human pet.


Third person POV

Atashi hummed as he stared blankly at the wall, the only sliver of light in the room coming from under the door.

He weakly looked to the side, towards the door as it squeaked open. His master walked in and he felt his heart drop as he whimpered and backed up more to the wall, feeling his hands shaped as he buried his face in his knees.

Jasper entered the tight space, or more so, the closet. "Pet." He muttered unenthusiastically, looking down at the boy shaking in front of him. "Look at me." He commanded, knowing Atashi wouldn't be able to deny him after what happened

Atashi looked up at Jasper instantly when he spoke those three words. Earning a pleased smirk from his master as he did so. "Y-Yes, master?" He asked shakily, feeling his breathing speed up some as Jasper approached him.

"Stand up." He commanded, continuing to stare down at the boy as he stood in front of him. Atashi slowly rose to his feet, body still shaking like a leaf as his knees shook, weakly standing.

Jasper chuckled lowly as he grabbed Atashi's collar, pulling him out of the room. Atashi stumbling behind him as the older walked faster than him. His whole body still hurt.

Jasper threw Atashi on the couch, the smaller flinching as his back hit the soft surface. Jasper sat next to Atashi, pulling his bruised arm to him and rubbing a liquid on it, grabbing bandages from next to him and wrapping his arm.

Atashi was shocked at the man's actions, though, deciding not to show it so he wouldn't be punished. When Jasper stopped bandaging the smaller's arm, he unmatched the color from his neck, staring blankly at the bruises, making Atashi 'mildly' uncomfortable.

Jasper put more of the liquid on his fingers and started rubbing it on Atashi's neck, making the smaller shiver.

Jasper chuckled lightly at the other's shaking while he placed the mandates on his neck. After bandaging a few more of Atashi's body parts.

Jasper got up as Atashi painfully leaned back onto the couch. Jasper just chuckled more at the boy in front of him. "Humans are so weak." He mused, walking into the kitchen and grabbing an apple before walking back into the living room.

Atashi looked up at Jasper as he walked in. Jasper gave Atashi the apple, which Atashi happily took, hesitating and looking up at Jasper.

Jasper nodded at the smaller. And when he did that, Atashi hastily bit into the apple. The week of eating nothing had gotten to him.

Jasper sat back next to him as he ate the apple, staring blankly at him again. When Atashi finished he turned and looked at Jasper, and Jasper took the apple and walked back into the kitchen, putting in the trash and then walking back into the living room.

Jasper sat next to Atashi again. "Now, do you remember the rules?" Atashi nodded quickly, knowing he would get punished if he didn't. Jasper flashed a grin. "Good, good."

Jasper leaned over, grabbing the boy's arm and rolling the sleeve up from his upper arm, biting shortly before his shoulder, earning a flinch from Atashi.

He squeezed his eyes shut moments before Jasper pulled off, smirking at the boy who had his eyes closed tightly. "You can open your eyes now," Jasper said, sounding amused.

Atashi hesitantly opened his eyes, squinting at the other. Jasper had a smirk on his face as he pulled the sleeve back down, chuckling lowly. "So weak. It's adorable."

Jasper picked tr smaller up, earning a small squeak as he carried the boy up the stairs. Heading to his room, or more so, their now shared room.

Jasper set him down on the bed and pushed him to lay down, the other getting slightly comfortable, he looked up at Jasper who was sat on the edge, the man staring down at him.

I hope you enjoyed! I spilled coffee on myself while making this (so I hope you did.) anyway, sorry for not posting.

Author out.

Editor~Chan In~ yeetus the fetus

762 words

(This one is on the shorter side, sorry guys)

Have a good day, night, or evening potatoes!! 🥰🥰🥔🥔

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