|×|Chapter 5|×|

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Last Time On; '~The Vampire And His pet~'

"Alright, now I need to go get the pastries. I'll be back in two shakes" Jasper said, walking out of the room. That was when the older woman, Multer, approached Atashi. "Dear... He isn't hurting you, is he?"
3rd Person

Atashi hesitantly shook his head no, and gave her a small smile to try and prove that Jasper 'wasn't' hurting him, so he didn't get in trouble

"Why do you have so many bandages then...?" Multer asked, looking at his hand and neck. "It isn't right"

"I... Accidently...hurt myself..?" Atashi didn't mean for it to sound like a question, but it did.

"How could you have possibly done that? On the neck?"

'Knives' Atashi thought to himself, but didn't say it. He didn't say anything actually. He just looked down and bit his lip.

Multer frowned "Oh you poor thing. There was another lad like you... Jasper-" She stopped when the lad himself walked back into the room, and stopped and glared at her. "I see you two are getting along well." Jasper grumbled.

Atashi tilted his head before turning to look at Jasper, and nodding.

Jasper set down the raspberry tarts, and didn't stop glaring at the older woman. Multer stood stoic as always. "Why don't you show her what I gave you?" Jasper asked Atashi

Atashi took off the bandaid on his neck, like the dumb boy he is, and bit his lip.

"I meant show off the dress!" Jasper huffed. "That's fine too I guess.." He grumbled. He was trying to show that he was a better owner now. He was, but this didn't prove it. "She's my boss" he said to Atashi through gritted teeth. "Impress her."

'He didn't specify' Atashi thought to himself, he was looking at the ground now, so he rolled his eyes then looked up at Jasper "Can I go to the bathroom?" He asked Jasper, wanting to just get out of the room for a bit.

"Yes, Yes. You can go." Jasper pinched the bridge of his nose, waving Atashi away.

Atashi went into the bathroom, and locked the door, sighing he looked at himself in the mirror, which he hadn't in a while, he ran his fingers through his hair and sighed again.

By the time Atashi came out, Jasper and Multer were discussing stuff about their business. It was boring.

(Time skip to Jasper leaving the room for a second Brought to you by the Aces)

Multer approached Atashi once more. "Are you sure you don't want any help?"

"I-I'm s-sure..." Atashi smiled at Multer weakly

"Dear, you know I'm at a higher standing then Jasper, right? I could... Maybe. Just maybe free you. It didn't end well for the last lad"

"N-No it's f-fine..." Atashi felt like it would turn out badly if he wanted her to help him, so he said he didn't want help, he said he didn't want to be free....but that was only because of his anxiety and paranoia.

Multer frowned and pulled out a notepad and wrote a phone number down and tried to hand it to Atashi. "Well if things go south call this number, preferably during the day."

Atashi nodded OK, then took the paper and put it in his pocket.

Multed gave the small boy a gentle, soft smile. The complete opposite of Jasper's grin. "Thank you, dear. Don't be afraid to call." She said. Jasper soon came back in. Multer thanked Jasper for the meal and left. As soon as Multer was gone, Jasper lifted and shoved Atashi against a wall and asked. "What did she tell you?"

Atashi winced then lied "N-Nothing!" Before biting his lip, knowing he might get punsihed for lieing.

Jasper studied Atashi's features carefully and his eyes softened. "You bite your lip quite a lot, don't you?" He slowly placed Atashi down. "If it ever starts bleeding, I don't know if I could stop myself from...taking some."

Atashi bit his lip a bit harder, thinking of Jasper taking his blood. He only bites his lip when he's stressed, having a panic/anxiety attack, or just overall nervous.

Jasper ran his hand through his hair and walked away. "You're lucky, I saved the rice pudding just for you."

Atashi just slid down the wall, taking a deep breath.

"C'mon. I don't want you to waste it." Jasper called from the kitchen

Atashi sighed, stood up, and walked to the kitchen.

Jasper set a bowl of the pudding down on the table. Sitting down but not eating anything.

Atashi walked over to the table, fidgeting with his fingers.

"You heard me. Eat it." It counfed more like a stern command then a nice favor Jasper was doing for him.

"Y-Yes s-sir..." Atashi said quietly. Before sitting at the table, and politely eating the pudding.

Jasper watched. He did absolutely nothing but stare at Atashi eating the pudding.

Atashi finished the pudding a while later, then glanced up at Jasper.

"Good, no?" Jasper asked.

Atashi nodded.

Jasper took Atashi's bowl and washed it. Returning to him, bending over to meet his gaze. "I think you've healed over enough. We could take it off and you can have a nice long look in the mirror."

Atashi went back to biting his sleep.

Jasper peeled off the bandaid carefully. "It does look wonderful." He grinned. "Now I think you should see it. It's splendid."

Atashi was tempted to shake his head no, but he didn't. He stayed silent.

Jasper scooped Atashi up bridal style and carried him to his own bedroom, where he sat Atashi down in front of a rather large mirror.

Atashi looked at the mark for a second, before he averted his eyes from the mirror.

"I told you to look at it." Jasper hissed. "Or else I might just give you another one."

Atashi bit his lip, drawing blood from the panic, as he looked back at the mirror, trying not to avert his eyes again.
I hope you like it! Took me a while.

Author out!

Editor~Chan in, Konichiwa Potatoes! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Who knows when the next one will come out 🤔 hehe. Have a nice day


Have a good day, night, or afternoon potatoes!! 🥰🥰🥔🥔
1061 words!

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