|×|Chapter 6|×|

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Last Time On; '~The Vampire And His pet~'

'Atashi bit his lip, drawing blood from the panic, as he looked back at the mirror, trying not to avert his eyes again.'
3rd Person

Jasper had been waiting for this moment since Atashi first bit his lip. He quickly whirled Atashi around. After his gateway, he took it.

Atashi's eyes widened with shock.

Jasper pulled back after a bit, licking off the last drop of blood that resided on his own lip. "Just can't help myself. Nothing personal, just because I'm a vampire" he smirked, and showed that it totally was personal.

Atashi shuddered.

"I told you that when I give you something, you should smile at me."

Atashi smiled weakly at the older male.

Jasper kissed Atashi's forhead. "Can't wait until you're 18~" he stood back up straight once more. "You really will learn to love it here."

Atashi shuddered, 'no I won't.' He thought to himself and averted his eyes to the ground.

"I. Told. You. To. Look. At. Me." Jasper said, growing frustrated by the second. "You don't want to go back into the storage room, do you?"

Atashi shook his head quickly, and looked at Jasper, it was cold in the storage room, plus he barely got sleep in there. Hence the reason for the bags under his eyes.

"I really do hate when I give you all of this and you won't even look at me."

"S-Sorry..." Atashi said quietly

"Are you really sorry?" Jasper grumbled

Atashi nodded. He was sorry. But his trauma and stuff made him constently avert his eyes from anyone. Especially if they have taken some of his blood more then 2 times.

In all honestly. Jasper just wanted this next part, "Maybe... You just aren't used to me. Which means I have to make you." He tossed the corner blankets back onto his bed.

"W-What d-do y-you m-mean?" Atashi asked quietly, stuttering.

"Means I'm taking the night off work and we are going to have a nice night together. And when it comes day, you're staying right there."

"O-Ok.." Atashi stuttered quietly, again.

"Guess you'll be needing this," Jasper said, pulling out his leash from seemingly nowhere. Thanks to magical Wattpad powers. And hooked it to Atashi's collar.

Atashi bit his lip again, but stopped when he felt a sharp pain from the scab that had formed on his lip.

Jasper watched him. "Can't do that now. What a shame." He said, "we're going to the park." He tugged roughly on the leash as he walked out.

Atashi choked a bit from Jasper pulling the leash roughly, before he followed him out.

Jasper opened the front door, into the cold night air. He was unleashed by the temperature change. "Lovely night out." He remarked as he turned left onto the sidewalk.

Atashi followed Jasper, he was honestly scared of the dark, but oh well. He looked down the entire time they walked.

"Just curious, but have you ever been in the sun?"

Atashi thought for a moment, before saying "Once..." Quietly.

Jasper paused. "What was it like?"

It was in the summer, "hot, and bright. Though all the trees, grass, and the buildings in the sunlight, were all beautiful.." He answered, smiling a little.

Jasper pondered for a moment. "How about today, I'll let you stay outside? You can harvest the apples for me."

"That would be nice..."

"You can tell me exactly what it's like when you come back in." Jasper said, "I've always wondered what everything looks like during the day..."

"Okay..." Atashi smiled softly as they reached the park.

Jasper looked into the very artificial light of the street lamps as he walked. "If I let you off the leash, will you run?" He asked, in a serious tone.

Atashi shook his head no, knowing full well if he did, he would get in trouble. A lot of trouble. 'Run, just run Atashi. Ignore your anxiety! Run when he lets you off the leash!!' He ignored his thoughts, and stood still.

Jasper carefully took Atashi off the leash. Knowing full well, that if Atashi did try to run, Jasper could catch him with ease. "Alright. Now we can walk." He began to trail through the park.

Atashi nodded okay, and followed behind Jasper, his thoughts just telling him to Run

"I haven't showed you the backyard yet. But I have Chamomile and apples growing back there. There are also a few chickens, but they're always asleep when I go out there so they're easy to ignore. Sorry I haven't shown you it yet"

"I-Its fine..." Atashi said quietly, a bit tired himself.

"I guess you'll get to see it in all of it's glory. Including the hens being up. Though it's probably going to mess with your sleep schedule"

'My sleep schedule has been messed up for years." Atashi thought to himself, holding back a yawn as they walked.

Jasper glanced over at Atashi. "I'm impressed you haven't made a run for it yet."

Atashi tilted his head, "why?" He asked,like the dumb boy he is.

Jasper shrugged "I gues Multer didn't say as much as I thought she would..."

"What didn't she say?" Atashi asked, confused, yet curious.

"Nothing you have to worry your pretty little head over~" Jasper said, trying to reassure, but it most likely sounded like he was hiding soemthing, which he was.

"...Ok..." Atashi said quietly, he tried to sound satisfied with that answer, but he wasn't.

"Just...don't run off. For your own good."


Jasper continued to walk. Letting the silence blanket over them for once. Until he stopped at an old eucalyptus tree. "Used to climb this when I was younger."

Atashi looked up at the tree, "cool" he simply said.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was your childhood like?"

Atashi thought for a moment. "Lots of blood I guess, oh and darkness, isolation, stuff like that I guess,"

Jasper was visibly shook. And looked back up at the tree, then to Atashi. Seemingly comparing the two contrasting pasts. "Was...there anything else?"

Wow. This took a lot shorter then the last chapter did. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'm hoping you are enjoying the book!

Author out!

Editor~Chan in!~

I hope you're enjoying Author~Senpai's book, they work really hard on it hehe!


Have a good day, night, or afternoon potatoes!! 🥰🥰🥔🥔
1082 words

~The Vampire And His Pet~ (BoyxBoy) read rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now