36 : Jealous

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Song I chose for this chapter - Jealous by Nick. Dedicated to Music_Girl-J18, your comment in the previous chapter made me smile x

Sorry for any mistakes in advance. I edited really quickly. Hit that vote button!

Enjoy ~

Chapter 36 : Jealous

- Ella's POV -

I allowed my mind to wander, but strictly forbid myself from thinking about Harry. While I was forcing myself to not think about Harry, I was actually... thinking about him. As bad as I wanted to think about my home or my mom, the thought of him would return. It was no use.

I grabbed my phone from where it laid and decided to take a stroll through pictures I had. Niall and Summer were the first to pop up and it caused a small smile to appear. They looked at each other, grinning from ear to ear. I envied their relationship. It came easily to them. They were the lucky ones to be able to tell the world and not have it explode in front of them. It was the complete opposite for Harry and I. The entire world was against us and I'll never understand why.

Placing my finger on the screen, I swiped right and my heart plunged at the picture that came into view. It was of all seven of us. There was one thing in particular that I loved about this photo and it was the way Harry and I looked at each other. Even with the others around us, it was almost as if we were the only two there. With his hand, he threw his curly hair that shielded his eyes over his head and while doing so, he turned to look at me. The famous, cheeky grin was plastered on his face, his dimple prominent.

Looking at the photo, I couldn't help but look at his pink, heart shaped lips. It was hard to believe that at one point those lips were pressed against mine. That felt so long ago. In the photo, my hair was thrown into a messy bun. I looked quite atrocious, but from the way he looked at me, he thought the exact opposite. We were at one point happy, but now all that seems unreal. I wanted nothing more than to be with Harry. Unfortunately it almost seemed impossible.

I almost believed fate brought us together. The same day they went to the mall in my city was the same day I decided to search for an outfit. I hardly ever go shopping. The crazy fans were running passed me and I was completely oblivious to anything weird or suspicious. Even when I was locked in a jewelry store with them, it took me a moment to even notice why the girls were screaming and pressed up against the glass window. For heaven's sake, I told a stranger I loved them and they weren't even talking to me. How's that for embarassing? All of it was fate. We were supposed to meet that day, but why? Nothing is going the way I want it to.

I finally allowed my thoughts to hush and with a sigh, I leaned back in the chaise lounge and stared up at the sky a moment before shutting my eyes closed. I allowed my surroundings to consume me from the smell of the chlorine the pool emanated, to the feel of the sun casting its rays down on me. Because of recent events, I hadn't gotten much down time, so this felt nice. The peace felt somewhat good, but there was this nagging feeling within me. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to ignore any of my problems. It was impossible. I had fallen for Harry Styles and there was no turning back.

"Ella?" My eyes fluttered open at the sound of my name. Right in front of my chair stood Josh Devine, staring at me with a curious look in his eyes which dissipated when I looked at him. He smiled softly and waved weakly before taking a seat in the chair to the left of me. I wondered if he'd plan to give me another one of his lectures like he did before. Thing is, I didn't want one. There wasn't anything that could be said that'd make this situation better.

"I thought you were sleeping," he said, making himself comfortable. I watched as he threw his legs on top of the chaise lounge and leaned back against the rest. He shuffled a bit, but when he stilled he turned to me. "How are you doing?"

Up All Night ➸ One Direction [ EDITING as of June 2020 ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon