35 : Night Changes [n.h]

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Hope you guys enjoy. I'm really sorry it's taken me so long to update, but life tends to happen and take control.

Let me know what you think?

The Heart Wants What it Wants is the song I chose for this chapter ~

Chapter 35 : Night Changes

- Niall -

I chewed on my nail nervously as I paced around the room. I felt like a horrible friend, or brother as me and the lads like to call each other. I've been blind to Harry's problems. Seeing him earlier with the look on his face before he stormed off was a slap to the face. I haven't been there for him like I should have been. What kind of friend does that make me? I've been so caught up with Summer, indulging in my own romance that I didn't see a friend in trouble.

I stopped in my tracks and ran my fingers through my hair. How could I have been so blind? Forming One Direction created a bond between the five of us. We're supposed to be there for each other. It was us against the world, but it was currently Harry against the world since I've been so caught up in myself. I can't even begin to imagine the pain he's in. Summer has become important and if the world itself prevented us from being together, it would tear me apart. My best mate is going through all that alone. During his time of need, I haven't been there for him. Harry must be angry with me.

Feeling a pair of hands on my shoulders, I let out a breath of air and took in her familiar touch. Speak of the devil, I thought. She would be the one to show up to calm me down. What about Harry? If he wanted anyone to calm him down, that'd be Ella. Or at least the person near him and I failed to do that or even realize he was in distress! "What's got you all worked up?" Summer asked, gently massaging my shoulders.

I allowed my shoulders to relax before turning around to face her. Her eyes left mine a moment as she grabbed my hand and directed me to my bed. I sat down while she stood before me. "It's Harry. Something is up," I told her, sighing. Summer stared at me a moment before her eyes landed on my hair. I'd imagine it was a little bit of a mess. She took the opportunity and began to fix it.

"Same with Ella. Things are so complicated for them." Her eyes remained on my hair and I watched her in amusement. The expression she wore was serious and focused. Once she finished, she smiled and looked proud at the end results. Summer finally looked down at me and her cheeks grew red in embarrassment. She was awfully cute. I took her hand into mine and caressed her soft skin. We were lucky to have moments like these.

"It's not fair that we've got is so easy, Sum." I never knew or understood why or how things turned out the way they did with Summer. The entire world was against Harry and Ella, while the world overlooked Summer and I. I'm grateful, but how could I be? I feel as if I'm being selfish.

"I know. I feel the same way-"

"I can't be happy unless they are, too," I told her. She squatted down to my height and I felt my breathe hike. Her beautiful brown eyes bore into mine and I soon found myself lost in them. Within seconds, she smiled softly, making her dimple appear itself to me. Summer was gorgeous, beyond that actually. From the first time I saw her and even to this day, she takes my breath away. I haven't known her for very long, but I wanted to make her my princess. I'm sure I won't regret kissing her in front of the paparazzi.

"Summer, when things are right between Harry and Ella, would you like to go on a date with me?" I heard myself ask her. "It wouldn't feel right to do it now. You understand, right?" For a moment, I was afraid of her answer. I searched her face for some sort of reaction. I was quickly reassured when her smile grew wider.

"I completely understand, Niall." We stood in silence and stared at another before her face lit up in excitement. Summer jumped to her feet and clapped her hands once. She was amusing to watch. Who knows what goes on in that crazy mind of hers? I couldn't help but chuckle. Her actions resembled a child's that just received the ultimate Christmas gift. She glared at me a moment as my laughter increased. "I have an idea!" She shouted, rolling her eyes laughing.

My laughter calmed. "Well, do tell."

She stared at me a moment before slapping her thighs to create a drum-roll effect. "We should get Harry and Ella together!"

I thought a moment before raising an eyebrow. "How do you s'pose we do that?"

Her smile faltered and she poked her bottom lip out. "I haven't exactly worked out the details yet. I only formed the idea ten seconds ago."

I rose to my feet and approached her. I stopped when Summer was just inches from me. I took her hands into mine and lightly kissed the top of her hand. "I'm sure we'll come up with something. I'll be happy to play matchmaker with you."

Her smile returned and I swore in that moment my heart skipped a beat. I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. The serious look she wore earlier returned as she stared up at me from where she stood. Summer lightly licked her bottom lip. I stared a moment at her lips longingly before looking into her eyes again. The kiss before was spontaneous, but also forced. We were alone and together. Who knows when we'll have another moment like this one now? I leaned forward and found my eyes shutting closed as I neared closer. My heart began to race, but I knew what I wanted, I knew what she wanted. I smiled at the thought of her lips against mine. In a matter of seconds, it would be made into reality once again and this time I would take it all in.

"Um, we've got a problem."

My eyes flew open as Liam's voice filled my ears.


Darnit, Liam! WHHHY. Bahaha, anyway. I wanted to give you guys a taste of Summiall. Hope you enjoyed. It's short, I know. It was that or have two different POV's in one chapter and I don't know about you guys, but I don't like that lol.

If I could apologize a million times for taking 5EVER to update I would (5ever because it's longer than 4ever... I'm lame) but seriously, I love every single one of you and thank you for sticking through.

Since you all enjoyed the first character interview, I will be doing another one soon. Feel free to send me questions you will like answered by any of the characters. Hopefully it'll be as funny as the first :)

Until next time!

Up All Night ➸ One Direction [ EDITING as of June 2020 ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ