21 : Is It Me?

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: BenedicteB_

Well, here it is. It's short. Sorry not sorry xD No, really, sorry!

I'm leaving tomorrow so, again, I won't be able to upload for the next two weeks. I'm coming back July 11th. 

Thank you all so much for getting me to 100,000 reads! That's frackin' amazing. You're all wonderful. I love you all lol. 

Sorry for any mistakes in this chapter. I quickly typed it up and walked away O_O

Dedicated to BenedicteB_ I love your comments! xD

I may not reply to every single one of your comments, guys, but I do indeed read them. They make me smile :)

E N J O Y  this chapter! Hit that vote button?


Chapter 21 : Is It Me?

Sleep overs were supposed to be fun, right? So why the hell did that one turn out so horribly?

Oh, I know. 

Harry Styles, that's why. 

One minute he's so sweet and charming. The next, he won't even talk to me or look at me. The whole situation kept me awake last night in their hotel room. So my thoughts went on over drive as  I tried to figure out if I did something wrong. Nothing came to mind, so what's his problem?

I thought for a second when we were alone in the bedroom, Harry would ask me to be his date. Was I wrong for that? He definitely wanted to spit something out, but didn't find it in himself to do it. I'm surprised I even noticed when I wanted to just throw up from him being so close to me. 

Paul and his irrelevant ass ruined the moment. No offense, he's an awesome guy. Okay, that was mean. I take that back completely.

After such a rough night, here I am in class with a migraine after getting shit sleep last night. 

Thank you, Harry Styles for getting me all worked up. 

Maybe I shouldn't even be mad at him. Maybe I'm over reacting again and this time, it's me. 

Is it me? 

Of course it is. 

Harry Styles, a member of a famous boy band wouldn't want to go to a masquerade ball with me. I'm sure he has many other girls to choose from, so why would I think he'd ask me? 

I groaned softly, resting my head into my hands, staring down at my desk. I hated the fact that I constantly over think things and hated the Negative Nancy in my head. 

If Harry doesn't want to go with me, that's fine. Friends, that's what we are, that's what we all are. I wasn't going to ruin that no matter what. 

"You're getting me all depressed, Ella. What's wrong?" Summer asked in a whispered tone. 

Lifting my head up, I turned to her, rubbing my right temple. "I'm just confused and have a migraine."

She pursed her lips, nodding her head. "Why did you come to class?"

Why do we even bother coming to class? For Christ sakes, we did a twitcam with a famous boy band last night and here Summer and I are in class like regular people. The awkward stares and whispers didn't bother us much.

Up All Night ➸ One Direction [ EDITING as of June 2020 ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें