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Morgana's immortal army bore down upon Camelot and I, for one, was terrified. Rather than running for water or trying to find cloth for bandages, I found myself standing at a window, staring out across the night-darkened lands. I knew from the view that I'd wandered very near Arthur's chambers, and questioned whether I should stay or not... but the choice wasn't mine to make anymore – my legs wouldn't move. I knew this was where I needed to be.

"What are you doing here?" Arthur almost swept past me, his armour shining, Merlin nowhere to be seen.

"I wanted to check you have everything you needed, Sire," I almost whispered.

"Thank you," he nodded, thinking, "In fact, there is something. Merlin's disappeared yet again, and..."

"What is it, Sire?" I asked, hearing not only the grave seriousness in his voice, but also a hint of bashful embarrassment.

"Well, normally Merlin helps with my armour, but as I said... he's god knows where..."

"Can I help?" I placed the sheets I had in my arms onto the floor and smiled.

"If it's not too improper for you," he smiled roguishly, "my shirt seems to be tucked up at the back, and my shoulder armour won't allow me to reach around and pull it down... any chance you could please?"

I couldn't help but laugh, "Is that all?"

"Yes..." he almost blushed.

I giggled and walked around him, to see the problem. "Ah, yes," I nodded, reaching my hand gently between his chainmail and back to find the deep red cloth of his shirt. My cool fingers brushed against his heated skin, and I could feel the goosebumps form on his back.

"You must think I'm an idiot," he mumbled.

"Why must I?"

"A man of my age being unable to dress himself properly."

"Everyone needs a little help now and again, Sire."

"Not me. I'm a leader... I should be showing people how to do things, not have them show me."

"How else do you expect to learn?" I straightened the hem of his shirt against the bottom line of the chainmail, and walked back around to face him. "You're only human."

"Thank you."

"Any time, Sire."

A moment of quiet passed, as we listened to the army readying themselves.

"You say that I'm only human..." he questioned suddenly, "is that a bad thing?"

I thought about this only briefly before spilling my answer quickly, "No! Your humanity is the best thing about you, Sire. I don't mean to cause offence, but you're not like your father – you don't consider yourself above others, and you don't consider yourself anything but human... Sorry."

"Why are you apologising?"

"I didn't mean to speak ill of your father."

"It's alright. I understand your meaning."

"You do?"

"Yes. Please continue."

"Um, I suppose all I'm saying is that even though sometimes you act as though you think you're immortal, myself and your entire kingdom see you as the man that will rule from within the people. You're the kind of leader that would rather be amongst the people than above them, and your humanity is something we all love."

"You love it?"

"More than I can say, Sire."

"There's a reason," he murmured.

I searched his eyes for his meaning, but before he could explain, we heard the roars of, "They're coming! Ready men!" from the army outside the window. Arthur's eyes lit up with shock that he could just be standing here at a time like this, so I quickly took his hand and said something I'd been trying to say all along, "Your kingdom loves you, Sire. We love your kindness, your humanity, your morality and mortality. You'll survive this war, I know you will, because you're the once and future king. I believe in you, and in the Camelot you will rule over when Morgana is finally gone."

I couldn't stand the deep contemplating stare he bore into my eyes now, so I pulled him into a hug, and felt him slowly hug back. Thinking that this may be my last chance to tell him, I whispered against his skin, "I love you, Arthur."

Suddenly he pulled away, holding the tops of my arms tightly. "Did you just-?!"

I blushed, tears forming slowly in my eyes. I looked at the floor and nodded, "Sorry, Sire."

"Don't be," he pulled me into another hug and carefully stroked my hair for a moment, "You couldn't have picked a worse time, you know..."

"I know," I muttered, "sorry."

"Don't apologise." He placed a gloved finger under my chin and made me look into his eyes. "You keep me grounded," his eyes watched my lips as I smiled. His lips grew ever closer to mine, "You're the reason I am so human as you put it." He kissed me softly, our lips barely touching. "Thank you." he pulled away.

Again, we heard the army shouting, "Steady!"

Suddenly Arthur jumped into action and kissed me heavily, pulling my whole body against his. As we parted, he called over his shoulder, "Stay safe. Meet me here as soon as the fighting's over! I promise I'll come back to you, my love. Promise you'll be here."

"I will," I replied, finding my voice high and quiet, "I will..."

Arthur Pendragon x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now