Arthur's Return

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Having been away for so long, I could only imagine the look on Arthur's face when he returns. I remember the way his lips curl up into the most delicious smile, and the regal way his eyes shine in the evening sun. I remember the sound of his voice, and the touch of his hand, as I run my fingers though the cloth around his bed. I'm waiting in his chambers for his return from battle. According to Gaius, he's been away for several days, but it has been much longer since we last set eyes on each other.

I met him a long time ago, while passing through Camelot. He caught my eye before I ever knew his name, or station. It meant nothing to me that he was royalty. I only cared about the way he looked at me when no-one else could see.

We've been in constant contact since the day I left, but nothing would compare to this day. Today, I would get to hold him in my arms again, and hear all of his stories from his own lips, in his own words, instead of rehearsed written ones. I have longed for this moment for so many nights that I barely remember a time I didn't wish I could be here.

A silhouette in the distance starts my heart beating faster, as I can only hope that it's him. The white of the horse shines colourful first, with the glint of his metal armour lighting the shape of his torso next. The deep Pendragon red is a blur for a long while, before he's close enough for me to distinguish him. His hair is battle-messy, but he seems unhurt, and riding with pride. They won.

My heart soars at the sight of the man I can proudly say I love. He doesn't know of this feeling yet, as I've never declared it, but I'm sure that he suspects it. Arthur was never the smartest man when it came to others' feelings, but I think he must know that I adore him.

Closer and closer they ride, and I start to feel myself growing stronger and weaker at the same time. I note that Gaius is waiting in the courtyard for Arthur, and undoubtedly, Merlin. I spot Merlin on the horse behind Arthur, and smile. Such a sweet man, that Arthur would do well to treat better. Maybe he has been doing so since last I spoke to Merlin. Either way, they both seem happy enough when their faces come into focus.

Not long now, I tell myself. Not long. I lick my lips in anticipation and run my hands over my skirts to straighten them out. As Arthur enters Camelot, I run to the mirror and check that my hair and face are as presentable as I can make them. Scurrying back to the window, I see Arthur dismounting from his horse, with Gaius at his side. I see them talk animately, until Giaus gains control of the conversation and Arthur looks shocked, yet pleased. I'm hoping that my old friend has just told Arthur that I'm here, and my body starts to shake as Arthur looks directly up at me. I'm sure he can't see me, but even if he can, I have no chance to wave before he bounds up the stairs and dashes into the building.

My heart feels like it could leap out of my chest at any moment, as I check myself one last time. Suddenly, I hear loud footsteps, and a deep, urgent voice shout, "Out of the way! Is she in there? Get out of my way man!"

Crashing through the door to his own bedroom, Arthur looks wildly around until his eyes land on me. He stops, completely still and silent. I smile, though I can't move or speak either. His eyes are wide and exploring, while his cheeks are flushed. His mouth is slightly open, and his chest is heaving dramatically as he catches his breath. My smile grows, and it seems to wake him up.

In three long strides, he's across the room and I find myself in his arms. "What are you doing here?!"

"I came to visit," I take a deep breath of his scent and press myself against him.

"You look," he pushes me away a little to look at me, but never lets me go, "fantastic!"

I feel heat rise to my cheeks, "Thank you. So do you!"

He runs a concious hand through his hair and chuckles, "It's been a great day all around. How long are you here?"

"A few days, for now. I'm enquiring for a place to li-"

Before I can finish my sentence, warm lips cover mine. Having never experienced something so perfect, I take a moment to react, but when he feels me kiss him back, he wraps his muscular arms around my body, and holds me there, in heaven.

I've found my Albion, and it's here, in Arthur's return.

Arthur Pendragon x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now