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"Merlin, I swear, if one hair on her head is harmed, I'll kill every last one of these men."

"I didn't know you felt so-"

"I don't feel anything," Arthur fought the blush rising to his cheeks.

Merlin smirked, "Then stop standing about."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean she's still in Camelot, Arthur. And Morgana has control. If she realises how much you care about-"

"I don't care about her."

"Whatever. If Morgana realises how important she is, she could be dead by the morning."

"Or imprisoned, right? There's still hope?"

"There's always hope, but we have to move," Merlin insisted.

"Since when were you so eager to go into battle?" Arthur teased Merlin, but only to bite his lip at the reply.

"Since you became too in loooove to look after yourself!"

Arthur quickly signalled for his knights to advance. They were going to storm the tunnels of Camelot to rescue you.

Having had no idea about this, you had already hidden from Morgana and started searching the tunnels for an escape route.

Two days must have passed in those cold, dark tunnels, before you were suddenly woken by the flashing of a flaming torch near your face, and Gwaine screaming for Arthur.

The instant you recognised Gwaine, you jumped up and wrapped your arms tightly around him. Being Gwaine, he immediately returned the hug, whispering, "Hello" into your ear.

"Hello," you replied, breathless. "What are you doing here?!"

"Coming to get you, m'lady," he replied, pushing some hair behind your ear.

"Really?" you were in awe.

Before Gwaine could reply, Arthur crashed into view, then stopped suddenly, staring at the two of you hugging.

"Found her."

"What did I say earlier, Gwaine?" Arthur almost ignored you. "If anyone lays one finger on her, I'm going to kill them... Don't make me kill you."

Gwaine pushed you away instantly, and when instructed, quickly scarpered from the corridor altogether.

No words were spoken as Arthur ran over to you, picked you up in a bone crushing hug and then set you down. "I'm never letting you out of my sight again," he whispered, gently pressing his lips to yours, before adding pressure and passion to the kiss that would change your life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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