Closets and Dreams

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"I'm worried about Frank" Hazel confessed once we were downstairs. "I mean he's only been at Camp Jupiter for six weeks and with everything that's happened... I hope he's not hallucinating"

"I'm a bit worried about him too" I admitted. "I don't know him that well, but he seems, different. Stressed, sad, I could have sworn he was angry too"

"Frank's gonna be okay. He just needs some sleep and some food." Percy said. "Personally, I'm worried about you sis. What's going on with you? It's like you're not here and you know better than anybody-"

"Distractions get you killed" I interrupted. "Yeah, I know"

"Who's Zoe?" Hazel asked. "I know Percy can only remember his girlfriend, but you can only remember Zoe. Who's she?"

"First of all who was she" I tried to keep my voice clear and my posture straight, but I slumped down, resting my forearms on the dining room table in front of me. "She was my girlfriend, sort of, we weren't official yet, but she was going to leave the Hunters of Artemis so we could be together and grow old together... then she died"

"Your girlfriend?" Hazel asked in shock. "People don't call you a witch for loving a girl?"

I laughed quietly "Not everyone knows. Some people would take that kind of route, but I don't think most people care anymore. If Zoe was still here, I would scream it from the rooftops if she asked me too. Now she's in the stars" my voice cracked so I paused to regain my composure. "It seems a little cruel that even though she's been dead for what, two years now? She's the only person I remembered. I sort of remember more now, but there are so many missing pieces it's more like a net than a wall"

"You're not scared?" Hazel questioned.

"I was, but at this point I'm more likely to die because I'm a demigod than because I'm a lesbian"

"So why were you crying in a tree?" Percy asked.

I sighed. "It just clicked that you would get to see Annabeth again when this is all over, but I'll never get to see Zoe again. Old wounds being reopened and getting salt rubbed in them"

"I'm sorry. Is that why you were mad at me? Because Annabeth showed up in our dream and Zoe didn't?" My brother asked.

"Yeah, I guess I was a little jealous. But now, I'm just glad one of us gets to see someone they love after this is over" I smiled at my brother and he smiled back.

"How are you so calm and mature?" Hazel asked, putting a plate of sandwiches in front of my brother and I before sitting down with us.

"Once you nearly die a few times, hold up the sky, watch your first love die right in front of you and get turned into a constellation, get sucked into a great prophecy and a bunch of smaller ones, you learn to control yourself around most people. Sometimes I have trouble containing my anger towards the gods. I don't like them at all, but they're better than the alternative" I said nonchalantly. "Oh yeah and singing like a siren."

"You inherited the... there hasn't been a daughter of Neptune with that gift since 753 BCE" Hazel said in surprise.

"Seems like there's a lot of things about me that shock you" I laughed, leaning back in my chair. "I'm not trying to sound judgmental it just gives me a window into your perspective"

"Uh, thanks?" Hazel questioned.

I shrugged and began to eat my sandwich.

"Tell us about yourself Hazel, we know your story, but we don't know you" Percy said.

"Okay, um, my favorite food is shrimp gumbo. What about you two?" Hazel responded.

"Blue food" Percy and I spoke in unison. The three of us laughed quietly and continued to eat in silence.

When we were done, we all went upstairs, Hazel took one bedroom while my brother and I took the other.

"Lani, when this is over, I want to talk to Annabeth about having a future in New Rome" Percy said.

"Okay, why are you talking to me about it?" I asked.

"Because I want to know if you're okay with it" He answered.

"Why wouldn't I be okay with it? Annabeth is the love of your life, you two deserve to be happy and safe. New Rome is a perfect place to do that. However if you ever propose to her you better be telling me beforehand" I told him.

"Of course, but I don't want you to think I'm picking her over you. You're my sister, I would never do that" He promised.

I sighed, turning to face my brother instead of the ceiling. "I know, but when you find her again, don't let go of her. Trust me, it hurts. Now get some sleep, if I see Annabeth and you're dead because you didn't sleep enough, she'd kill me"

"We certainly wouldn't want that. Good night sis" My twin yawned, turning so his back was to me.

"Good night bro" I turned so I was laying on my back again. Then I slipped into the land of dreams.

I stood in a clearing somewhere in a forest. There was an eight-year-old girl standing in front of me.

"Artemis, I'm assuming you wish to speak with me" I said.

"Yes. You are remembering things, but you don't remember the purpose of that mark on your arm" The goddess pointed out.

"That is correct. What I do remember is that you were the one who gave it to me, after Mount Tam, and it isn't permanent" I admitted.

"That mark is symbolic of your soul tie with my former lieutenant. A soul tie is rare among demigods as most don't live long enough to meet their soul tie. Mortals call them soulmates, but their perception is incorrect. The fates tied your soul with my lieutenant before you two met. Once a soul tie occurs and one dies, the soul tie partially remains until the living's soul becomes tied with another. The only way for that mark to go away, is for you to move on. The fates cannot tie your soul to another, only you can do that now. I am glad that you honored Zoe and were serious about your relationship with her, but it's time to let go." Artemis explained.

"How do I tie my soul to someone else? Why would I tie my soul with someone else?" I asked.

"The prophecy that the harpy told you, it holds the key" Artemis answered vaguely before the scene turned to mist and vanished.

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