Life Sucks... A Lot

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"Frank! Hazel!" I called over to the two quest members who were now unconscious.

"Guys wake up!" Percy yelled.

"Percy Jackson and Lani Jackson need not worry. Sharing is good"

"They'll be okay right?" Percy asked.

"I don't know, but probably" I shrugged.

"They're sharing. Sharing. Verb." Ella said.

"Well I guess now would be as good a time as any to talk to you about something. In my dreams, I left something out. I had another dream" My brother had a guilty expression on his face. "I think that's what Phineas meant when he said I knew something about Zoe. I didn't want to tell you because I'm not sure if it's true, or right, but you deserve to know."

My brother told me about the girl who dissolved into stars. He described her as good as possible and I struggled to keep my emotions in check.

"That sounds exactly like Zoe. I think this brand is connected to that somehow" I said, my voice cracking. "I think that's what I remembered when I passed out at Camp Jupiter. I was jealous when Annabeth showed up in our dream and Zoe didn't, but I guess she couldn't do that if she was dead, but why would I remember her?"

I felt tears streaming down my face. My brother wiped them away with his jacket sleeve, holding me in his arms. Ella raised her head to look at us.

"The daughter of Neptune will break

An impossible choice to make

Only the dove can save

The will of the brave

Through loss and pain

Love is the only thing left to gain" She recited.

"Dove, soap company founded in 1957. 1957, The United Stated Congress approves the Eisenhower Doctrine, on assistance to Communist-threatened foreign regimes" she went back to nibbling on the jerky.

"Was that a prophecy?" I muttered.

"It seems like one, but what does it mean?" Percy questioned.

"I have no idea" I decided to change the subject. "How long do you think it will take until we reach Seattle?"

"I'm not sure, but what do you know what Phineas meant when he was talking about, the choice you almost made before?" Percy said.

I sighed. "It's fuzzy, but I think I almost made a mistake, a big mistake. I remember a voice, someone telling me that I should help them overthrow the gods so we could take our turn, but I don't know.... I think I almost betrayed you and tried to destroy the gods"

"I think we should talk about that again when we get our memories back" Percy suggested.

"I was worried you would say that. There are some things I'm not sure I want to remember. What if I did make that mistake? What if our memories were taken because it was the only way we would work together?" I worried.

"Then we'll work it out" He assured.

"Do you think we should wake them up?" I asked, nodding to Frank and Hazel.

"Let's wait until we reach Seattle. Now, it's my turn to worry about you. Sleep for the next few hours. You've barely slept in the past week. I'll take over steering the boat"

"I don't want to sleep, when I sleep, I remember, and it's not always good things" I grumbled.

"I know, but isn't it better to be well rested to deal with it?" He challenged.

"Fine" I sighed, leaning against my twin I drifted off to sleep.

"Atalanta, perhaps I was wrong when I declared love to be a foolish endeavor" Zoe told me as she was teaching me archery, which I think I used to be horrible at.

"What are you saying?" I asked, nocking another silver arrow to the silver bow in my hand.

"I always knew I was never going to be a lieutenant forever. I want to get to know you better. I'll leave the Hunters for you once a suitable replacement is found and Artemis is saved" Zoe told me.

"You would? I don't want you to give up hunting and your immortal life because of me." I protested.

"I've lived two thousand years, but no one has made me feel the way you have. I want to understand this and learn more about this part of myself. Just promise me that no matter what happens over the rest of this quest, you will save Lady Artemis" Zoe place a hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes.

"Of course, I know how much she means to you with the new life she gave you as a Hunter" I place one hand around her waist, holding the bow and arrow in my other hand.

I rested my chin on her shoulder and she wrapped her arms around me. I took in a deep breath, the scent of a forest, fresh after a rain wafting into my nose, a smell that made me feel at home.

I pulled away from the girl, brushing a small lock of hair out of her eyes before I finally tore my eyes away from her. Drawing the bowstring back the sound of Zoe's laughter caught my attention. I turned back to her and she stepped behind me, her hands placed themselves on my arms, guiding them to the correct position to fire the arrow.

"Bring thyself to center, your feet should be shoulder width apart, don't arch your back, stand tall, and breathe" Zoe instructed gently, her breath warm against my ear and the back of my neck. "Now fire"

I let go and the arrow hit the center of the small target we were facing.

"I did it. I actually did it! I hit the center!" I cheered, twisting so I was facing Zoe I wrapped her in another hug.

The scene started to melt away and I woke up to my brother shaking me. "Welcome to Seattle. I figured you would want me to wake you up before I woke up Frank and Hazel"

"Thanks, too bad it had to be one of my good memories though" I sighed.

"Sorry" Percy mumbled.

"It's not like it's your fault, but it helped me realize something" I told him.

"What is that?" He questioned.

"Maybe the bad is worth remembering if you can have the good too" I smiled.

"Don't get mushy now, we have a job to do" Percy teased.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever fish-face. Let's wake up these two so we can get to work"

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