Mini break

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Hey guys, I know I was gone for a while, but I'm going down to my grandparents and the internet is horrible there, so I'm not sure I'll be able to update while I'm there, but I promise I will finish up this book and get started on the sequel.

Right now I'm trying to space out updates so I can get a decent way into Mark of Athena so you guys don't have to wait forever for the next book.

Noli timere malum sed time heroa.

If you know where that line is from, you are now my favorite person.

Feel free to message me or comment any ideas you have for new stories I should write. Especially if they are crossovers.

By the way, I love al the comments, they are amazing, and just because I don't respond doesn't mean I didn't read them, I read them all and they make my day.

Anyway, that's all for now. Remember, stay golden, and go west my young lobsters.

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