Chapter 6

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"So what's the matter?" Sanae asked once they arrived.

Midoriya, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki and Kirishima stood outside the hospital.

"I saw that Sakuya somehow managed to deal with that weird villain during the villains' attack," Midoriya said.

"You mean Seija?" Sakuya asked.

"That's her name? How did you know?"

"S-She mentioned it during the fight?"

"We need to go save Bakugou at their hideout. But there could be a lot of Nomu

"Nomu... the giant villains?"


"So will you come?" Kirishima asked.

"Of course we'll come!" Reimu cried.

"I'm in for some good butt kickery," Marisa snickered.

"This is serious," Todoroki glared.

"I'm serious too!"

"How do we find their hideout?" Sakuya asked.

"Yaoyorozu's got a tracker to the hideout," Iida explained.

"When do we go?"


They started by taking a train to the city they're looking for. 

"We'll need disguises!" Yaoyorozu cried. "We'll do it the old  fashioned way,"

"By... shopping!?" Sanae cried, "Seriously? We can't do something more... useful?"

After wearing clothes that Yaoyorozu chose, they all look very weird, but they were hidden well. While the others were talking, Sakuya looked up. The dark sky had a very comforting red tinge to it.

"Mistress..." She murmured.

"Who?" Kirishima asked.


"Hey, in here," Yaoyorozu whispered.

She pointed to a narrow alleyway.

"It says that they're in here,"

"We can see from that window," Sanae nodded to a window high above.

"I bought a pair of night vision goggles just in case," Kirishima said.

"I'll lift you up," 

"Midoriya, back him up," Iida instructed.

When they were ready, Sanae made the wind lift them up so that they could peek inside.

"Not a lot of stuff... placed is very trashed," Kirishima suddenly gasped, "Argh...!"

"T-The back l-left, near the c-corner, Midoriya," he handled him his goggles.

Midoriya gasped as well, "Are those all... nomu!?" His eyes widened.

"Over there!" Reimu cried.

They turned around to see a giant women lifting a truck. She then slammed it onto the building. Right before the impact, Reimu slammed and amulet to the ground which made a dome erupt around them.

"That was Mount Lady!" Midoriya whispered.

"Let's get out of here!" Iida ushered.

Reimu protection globe flickered, then vanished. They started to move away until they heard a voice.

"— but her quirk was so useful, I just had to take it," 

They turned around and saw a dark shape walked towards the heroes.

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