Chapter 13

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"You've certaintly got guts," She murmured, cocking her head to the side, "I'll kill you instantly,"

She folded her umbrella, pointing it at them. A blinding light. The dangerous yet fragrant smell of flowers. She however decided to not kill them, for she could toy with them a bit more. 

"Now, what should I do?" She said.

The students were on the ground bruised and cut. She raised her umbrella, and shot a giant glowing ball upwards, like the sun rising up. She opened her umbrella. The giant sun thingy exploded into hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, trillions, quadrillions, quintillions...

...vigintillions, centillions. Until the whole area was in a flower shower. Flowers of all shapes. Kirishima, Midoriya, Iida rushed forward in attempt to tackle her from behind. When they were about a meter from her, she smiled over her shoulder and vanished, the flowers providing falling down harder as ever. The flowers weren't made to harm, simply annoy.

The all of the students attacked her. Except for the four girls of course, for they knew that the battle was lost before it started. 

"Now, now," Yuuka said, dodging a screaming Kaminari, "You aren't being too polite,"

Sero and Uraraka tried to yeet Kaminari again, but with a Kirishima as well.

"Take this!" Sero yelled.

"A Pikachu with a side of uh..." Uraraka added, "A rock!"

Mina Ashido and Momo Yaoyorozu were tried to perfect a herbicide by combining Ashido's acid with some sort insect repellent Yaoyorozu made. Hagakure tried to sneak up on their opponent to spray the mixture. Mineta was screaming that they were going to die while clinging to Todoroki's leg, thus stopping him from using both his ice and fire, so he simply tried to inch away. Koji Koda tried to force animals of all sorts to eat the falling flowers. And yes, force. A leopard ran out of nowhere, and snatched a flower with an expression that said: Kill me now. Before racing off. 

 Midoriya, Iida, and Sato tried to jump and tackle Yuuka, only to be smacked by a screaming Pikachu and a manly rock. They passed out. Kyoka Jiro saw that thye were going nowhere and did the smart thing. She followed Todoroki. Mezo Shoji saw what they were doing but didn't stop them. In fact, he picked up Iida, Midoroya and Sato and followed them. Yuuga Aoyama was admiring the flowers and thinking about which ones to pick, very helpful. The rest of the class gave up and walked away.

After awhile, Yuuka Kazami got bored, so she stopped the flowers from falling down.

"How about... some poppies?" Yuuka asked, her red eyes glittering.

People with glittering red eyes are NOT to be toyed with. The field of incenerated sunflowers turned into a field of red poppies. The students staggered, then fell asleep.


They woke up to find themself in the common room of their dorm. On the ceiling.

"Uuh?" Uraraka muttered dazily, "What happened?"

"W-what?" Marisa opened her eyes, "Ceiling?"

The students stood up.

"Someone flipped the building," Midoriya said, looking out the tall windows.

"There are the heroes!" Kirishima pointed.

But something was wrong.

Several were bonking their heads on the wall as if it would do anything. Others were playing hopscotch. One was even applying makeup to another! 

"Are they...drunk?" Jiro asked.

"No, something is controlling them I think," Reimu replied, "Look carefully,"

And they did. They're eyes from glazed. They seemed semi-conscious.

"They seem...mad," Sakuya said, horrified.

At some point, a few managed to break out of the weird trance. Only to be hit by some sort red ball. They saw a flash of claws.

"T-this is definitely wrong," 

"It's the villains," Sanae said angrily.

"How are you so sure?" Iida asked.

"I'll explain when we get out of here," 

The place started rumbling, as if there was an earthquake. When it stopped, they peeked out of the window. The dorm started to float! Suddenly, they started sinking. 

A/N Please listen to this song while reading the rest of the chapter, it gives the real vibes. ;)

Depressing. The only word to describe what they were feeling. The wonder of the immense power the villains hold. If only they could simply... forget. They felt madness; consuming madness. They didn't try to resist; what's the point? A nagging voice suddenly appeared, telling them to snap out of it. They collapsed on the ceiling, sharing some sort of dream.

A figure appeared, no, three. Two of them were causing this, the other simply enjoyed watching them. The tallest had glittering red eyes, another sign to show that they shouldn't be messed with. The second held a torch with magnenta flames dancing on top of it, representing their sanity. 

Two glowing orbs appeared, brighter and brighter until the original three figures disappeared. A pink and a green one, saving them from losing their minds, their sanity.


Satori and Koishi went back to the outside world, checking those humans one last time before heading out themselves. 

"Sis, something wrong," Koishi said quietly.

Satori understood immediately and closed her eye, searching for those humans' subconscious. Soon, they found them, deep in a vision/nightmare. They entered and saw three figures. They made the three figures disappear. And decided to leave.

Welp, I had some spare time and wanted to start my next story soon. Anyways, I know people can already decipher who is doing what. Also, um... I think I'm just gonna remove the voting from the previous chapter as I already made up my mind.

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