Author's Notes

405 6 16

So hello again guys! After that very SUDDEN scene in the epilogue, you may be wondering if I'm continuing this collection. The answer is yes and no. I'll start with the bad news. So no, because I lost motivation of writing this collection. However yes, because I'll be continuing this collection in a giant mashup with future collections! Just compare this to the Flash, Green Arrow, Super Girl, etc. Except there will be a whole collection of it, so When Touhou met MHA will not be terminated so suddenly!

People! No worries. Now for some Q&A.

Q: What happened while there was this huge pause when you didn't write?

A: I encountered some sort of plot problem, which I now fixed but had to change the plot. The result is that some things I planned won't be happening.

Q: I noticed that you haven't updated the Update Log in awhile, is that normal?

A: The reason for that is because I found it a bit pointless, so I'll be deleting it. However, I may be replacing it with some sort of quiz and stuff for new characters and thus.

Q: Will there be more Touhou crossovers with other collections?

A: Yes of course!

Q: What motivated you to write this?

A: That's a rather particular question. Anyways, one day I was playing a Touhou fangame on Roblox, and I encountered someone who was the reason that made me start this. I was the absolute worst at the game so she said something like, a real Touhou fan can play the game and support the community. That last line caught me hard. Ever since that day, I quit playing Roblox, but started this. I decided to counter that person by writing crossovers to actually support the community. And here I am!

Finally, just want to say that from now on, I'll be working mainly on When Touhou met the Avengers, because there's only three poor chapters. Seeya next time!

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