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ngl i struggled to spell that

Kayleigh found herself wandering through the forest searching for Jake. All he had given her were a set of coordinates she used her phone to find. Finally, she stumbled upon Jake. He stood reading over an old book that was placed upon the stump of a tree.

"Kayleigh, baby, you made it!" Jake smiled and walked up to the girl, giving her another gross kiss on her cheek.

"Can we just get this over with?"

"What happened to you? You used to be so polite."

"Well, you probably compelled me to be polite."

"Touché." Jake muttered and led Kayleigh over to the book. Infront of the stump there was a patch of nothing. Something must've been there at one point, but was now long gone, perhaps burnt away.

"This is the spell." Jake said pointing to the open page. "All you have to do is repeat that, and pour this on the map." He reached down and collected some of the dirt from the empty patch in a small container and handed it to Kayleigh.

A wave of a bad feeling washed over Kayleigh, but she pushed it down and focused on the spell in-front of her.

"Faster." Jake demanded, his voice was harsh. Kayleigh rolled her eyes and continued chanting at the same pace. Jake growled and aggressively grabbed Kayleigh's arm. "I said go faster."

"Dude, relax. I've never done an actual spell before." Jake just glared at the newbie witch infront of him and focused on the voices he heard in the distance.

Beyond the tree line stood Bonnie and the Salvatore brothers. They were there, hidden, incase anything were to go wrong and Kayleigh needed help. The girl only had a bit of magic in her, before she left she reluctantly siphoned from Damon, they all agreed Jake didn't need to know about her siphoning abilities.

Back infront of the burnt circle on the ground, the wind started blowing around Kayleigh. The dirt on the map moved, further and further, and all the sudden stopped. The wind abruptly stopped and Kayleigh dropped to the ground, drained of all her magic.

Jake studied the map and smiled. "Perfect." He muttered and walked to Kayleigh, standing infront of her. He grabbed her arms and forcefully pulled her up.

"Why did I have to do your stupid spell? Any witch could've done it."

"I've missed you, Kayleigh. I thought this would be a good way to rekindle things." Jake's dirty hands reached up and tucked a strand of Kayleigh's hair behind her ear. She shuttered away from his touch.

"I did my part. I did the spell. Now fix Klaus."

"Ooh, feisty."

Jake was many things, a cheater, manipulator, a dirty scum bag, but he was a man of his word. He made sure every being in the supernatural community knew he was a part of Elijah's sire line. Although he did contrast from Elijah quite a bit in the manners and moral sense, he stayed true to his promises, on the rare occasion he made one.

This is how he ended up in a Salvatore bedroom standing above Klaus. Damon, Stefan, Bonnie and Kayleigh all stood around the room incase Jake should try anything tricky.

"I need a witch, come here." Jake said. Bonnie stepped forward and Jake told her what to do. She read the small chant that was lazily scribbled on a napkin and Jake reached into Klaus, fishing around for the knife.

After a few minutes Jake pulled his hand out, along with the knife.

"Why isn't he waking up?" Kayleigh asked. Klaus still laid motionless on the bed.

"Relax, doll, it's going to take awhile." Jake replied. Kayleigh didn't say anything and turned her attention back to Klaus. Bonnie and Stefan left the mansion when they got a call from Elena, leaving just Kayleigh, Damon, Jake, and a still unconscious Klaus.

"Alright well, I'll be off." Jake said and started walking towards the front door. Before he left the door, he stopped by Damon. "You, I still have a bone to pick with you. You killed me."

"I think we're even, you're still breathing enough to annoy us." He replied with a fake smile. Kayleigh started to get a bad feeling in her stomach, she inched closer to the two vampires. Jake let out a sarcastic laugh, and pulled the knife that was once imbedded in Klaus out of his pocket and went to stab Damon. Luckily, Damon caught Jake's hand in his own, but Jake was older, and stronger.

Jake applied more force and the blade scraped Damon's chest. Finally having enough Kayleigh grabbed Jake's arm that held the knife and uncontrollably siphoned from him.

"Damon, go." Kayleigh demanded while Jake groaned in pain. Damon left the room when Jake started trying to throw the knife at him, knowing that Kayleigh could handle herself.

The house started shaking as Kayleigh continued to siphon from Jake. Not wanting to cause a total earthquake, she let go of his arm and they both flew to the ground.

"Amazing." Jake's voice was barely above a whisper. "You've been hiding that part from me."

"Well, can you blame me?"

"You know Kayleigh, I still love you." Jake said, standing up. Kayleigh was already on her feet and looked at Jake with wary eyes.

"Get out, Jake."

"Let me say this."

"No, please leave. Right now." Jake made no move towards the door, but instead walked closer to Kayleigh, holding his arms up.

"You were such a good girlfriend, Kayleigh. Did everything I wanted when I wanted. I haven't been able to find someone like that. Sure, I compel them, but you seemed like you wanted to. You were so eager to please me, love me, and care for me. You understand why I'd never let that go, right?" Jake was only a foot away from Kayleigh at this point. "You understand I'll never let you leave me, right?"

Kayleigh backed away a few steps, but collided with a wall. She wouldn't show Jake she was afraid, but on the inside she was trembling.

"You're the one for me, baby. I love you, I just need to make you love me. You understand." Using his vampire speed, Jake ripped the vervain bracelet from Kayleigh's wrist. He looked into her eyes and said, "You hate Klaus. You will do anything for me, whatever I say you will obey. You'd put me over anyone. You love me. We're in love."

Kayleigh stood motionless. She fought all she could, but her fondness of Klaus was slipping away, her hatred of Jake being replaced by love. There was nothing she could do, she was Jake's.

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