Blue and Grey

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Midoriya Hisashi doesn't really care about what his friend was doing to get the blood but he wished they wouldn't make so much noise. He looked up from the book as the yowling stopped.

"You done with the cat?" He asks, flipping the pages of the book, reminding himself to pronounce the things right. The entire idea was stupid but he was told everyone tried to summon a demon once in college. No one ever succeeds of course, but that's sort of the point of it all.

"Yeah yeah. Damn thing was moving too much. Here, " Kanta says, placing the porcelain bowl full of blood. The circle that he drew earlier had a pentagram in it. It was drawn with soot from burning wood from a Blue beach tree and Ironwood. The instructions were too specific at times. The blood was in the center. Five candles at each outward point of the pentagram and ice at each cross between the lines.

Kanta backed away as he began to chant fast. He'd have to read the thing before the ice melted the lines.

"Ignis glacies resistis, et exaudi me voca.
Ignis glacies resistis, et exaudi me voca
Ignis glacies resistis, et exaudi me voca"

He kept chanting, waiting for the ice to melt. A cold breeze swept past him. He shivered and almost did a double take, they were in the dorm basement, and even the door was closed shut. Where would a breeze come from?

He could have sworn he saw the fire of the candles dance higher, but that must've been his imagination. The wax started melting quicker and the room got hotter. And then, again cold. Hisashi looked up from the book as he finished chanting for the thirteenth time and looked at the circle. The ice wasn't melting.

" Hey man,did it suddenly get-" was all kanta could manage before,


Something exploded, Hizashi thought before his back hit something. Surprisingly, the moment he hit something, he was actually numb. He didn't see what he hit, but he did stop flying backwards.

And then the pain hit. There was a ringing in his ear, this head hurt and his stomach was exploding in pain. He looked down and had to choke down on a gag. There was a metal rod protruding from his stomach. His back felt like it was being torn apart. He couldn't breathe. Every breath felt like it was burning his lungs. Not like his quirk does sometimes but it was burning and he was choking. Oh god he was choking and coughing and there was blood dribbling from his mouth. He was going to die.

There was a cloud in front of him. A black dark cloud. Or was it smoke? If he squinted hard enough, then he could almost imagine two mismatched eyes looking at him from the black mass.

"What is it that you want, human?" A distorted voice called from all over the destroyed room.

"Pl-please save me," he wheezed. "I want to-" he broke out in coughs "-l-live, I don't- I don't wanna die" he sobbed.

"I see." The same distorted voice called. "And what will you give me in return?"

"Any-anything you want please"

And then the pain was gone. Just like that. No more choking, no more burning, his stomach even felt good.

"I'll have your soul I think." The voice called now that he could see the mismatched eyes were blue and grey. And then what the voice said caught up to him.

"No! No! Wait please I just got back, don't kill me." He begged, on his knees now that he was no longer held up by the rod from his stomach.

"A deal is a deal, human. Whatever I want is the deal and I want a soul."

"Please! Take someone else's! I'll-I'll bring them to you myself but please let me live." He was prostrate now, hoping beyond hope whatever the being was would listen. He wanted to live.

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