Reasons why Inko is our Lord and saviour

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Izuku knows no matter how strong he gets or how much he trains, He will always have a weakness. And that is his Mother.Ever since moving into Heights Alliance there has not been a single day when he wasn’t worried about her. But his mother is also his weakness in a different sense too.

He heard from the girls in the dorms about how they turn to mush if they see a potential romantic partner near children. It’s kind of the same, If someone gets along good with his mother, Izuku is putty in their hands.

It is also noteworthy that Izuku has been holding a torch for Todoroki Shouto for the better part of the last year.

So, why in the name of all things holy did he think this would be a good idea?

“Oh, That’s a All might Onesie.” Shouto pointed out looking intrigued, like it’s not a well known fact how much of All Might fan he is. Like he himself didn’t accuse Izuku of Being All might’s secret love child last year.

“Ah, I remember that one, He used to play hero wearing that onesie. I’d be in trouble, and the Brave hero All might would come to save me.” His mother reminisced. Izuku wanted to die.

“Is that him in the bath-“ aaaaaand nope.

“Shouto Kun! We should probably do something else while we’re here!” Izuku interrupted jumping up and away from the couch where the three of them had settled. Shouto looked up and stared.

“Oh! Izuku go and wash up! I made Katsudon, and Soba since you told me Todoroki Kun likes that, and a few other things, they’ll get cold or warm If we don’t hurry.” A few things more, translated from his mother, probably means they can feed the dorm for two days straight. Izuku shakes his head and walks to the bathroom, wondering if they’ll take the leftovers.

When he comes back, his mom and Shouto were still talking about something while shouto was helping her set up, thankfully this time without the baby pictures.

“I will definitely think about it.” Shouto says, to what Izuku doesn’t know but it makes his mother beam.

“Shouto kun! Go wash up, I’ll help mom set up the table.” He says.

“So, that is Todoroki kun.” His mom says in a tone that Izuku could not place.

“Yup, he’s nice isn’t he” Izuku says like a fool.

“Very nice, But why didn’t you introduce him as your boyfriend? You know I’m ok with you dating boys” ah, so that’s what that tone was.

“Mom! It’s not- We’re not- What gave you that idea?” Izuku blustred.

“Oh, you aren’t?” His mom wondered and Izuku narrowed his eyes, Yeah, no, Don’t give him that look mom, he knows your’e not innocent.

“Maybe you should be then.” She says all sunshine and rainbows and Izuku can’t even reply because Shouto picks that moment to get it.


“There seems to be someone already talking to the patient. I’ll go in and check if you can go in.” The nurse informs him and disappears into the room leaving Shouto curious. Who could his mother be talking to? Maybe one of his siblings came? He’d think it was Izuku if the boy wasn’t currently slaving over his physics Homework that’s due a month later back at the dorm.

“Oh, Shouto kun! Come in!” Welcomes a voice that is not his mothers. Shouto pauses for a second before getting in.

“I see your blood pact is still going well.” He greets both women in the room and gets wry smiles in return.

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