Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

The next morning, I woke to the sound of someone knocking on my bedroom door.

Confused, I blinked my eyes open and found myself staring at a muscular chest with detailed tattoos. I stared for a moment longer, completely at a loss, until last night's events came roaring back with clarity and I stiffened, immediately backing away from the body beside me. I propped myself up on my elbow at the same time someone knocked on my door again.

"Yeah?" I called, staring down at Tupac, who was still fast asleep with his arm tucked under his head.

"What the hell are you doing," Anubis called out, "You're gonna be late for another familiar parade! Mom's gonna blow a gasket!" I blinked, then scrambled to the edge of my bed to snatch my phone off the nightstand, only to see that my alarm hadn't gone off. Cursing, I threw the covers back and stumbled out of bed. I had to catch myself on the edge, though, because I almost toppled over as a dull throbbing started up in my lower back. I grimaced, rubbing at my hips as I managed to hobble over to my dresser.

I snatched a pair of black pants out, throwing them on and pausing one last time to look back at Tupac, who was clearly a heavy sleeper because he hadn't stirred even a little. I opened my mouth, debating whether I should say something, then decided against it.

Hopefully he'd wake up soon and get dressed and leave and never speak about what happened between us again.

Not that I didn't enjoy it, I thought grimly. I very much enjoyed it. Except this wasn't going to work and I had no idea what idiocy possessed me to actually sleep with not only another foreigner, but a stranger. I didn't know Tupac that well at all. Just what little we'd talked about last night. I'd slept with a total stranger, a foreigner, again.

No wonder my father hated me.

I really couldn't blame him at this point.

I stepped out of my room and shut the door, turning to see Anubis leaning against the wall outside my room, his arms folded over his chest. He was decked out in yet another pair of flowy flashy pants and no shirt, but plenty of gold jewelry.

"Took you long enough," Anubis said, then frowned, "What's with your mouth?" I wiped at my mouth a little, no doubt my lips probably swollen from last night.

"Nothing, too much to drink," I admitted, making Anubis's frown deepen, "Anyway, let's get this over with." Anubis raised an eyebrow.

"Busy day?" He asked, glancing at my bedroom door. I stepped into his line of sight.

"Yes," I said sternly, "There's a festival going down, in case you haven't noticed." Anubis shrugged, looking at my door again.
"Hey, is there somebody in there?" He asked. I glared.


"Then why are you acting so suspicious?"

"I'm not."

"Maybe I should check--"

"You said mother was this close to losing her shit because I was late. If you want to make me even later, I'll simply blame you for holding me up," I said. Anubis squinted his eyes at me.

"That's cruel, sen."

"So is making me late because you have your mind in the gutter."

"Hm," Anubis said at last, "Fine, let's get going." Thankfully he didn't press the matter, but he did take one last long lingering stare at my bedroom door. I waited until he turned and left first, and I followed close behind him, glancing back at my door.

Please fucking leave.

By the time we got downstairs, the animals and their tamers were clearly restless judging from their fidgeting, and glares shot in my direction as I made my way quickly over to my mother's throne where she sat tapping her long fingernails on the armrest. Anubis took up position standing beside me, giving me a little shove in the shoulder. I shot him a dirty look.

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