Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"What took you so long?" Anubis asked as I returned.

I grimaced.

Oh, nothing.

Just having my uncle feed on my blood like a mosquito.

The usual.

"Not feeling so hot," I answered at last, to which Anubis gave me a droll stare and I glared at him, "Must you know the details of every bathroom visit?" Anubis shrugged, then eyed me suspiciously.

"It wasn't that Tupac guy, was it?" He asked. I folded my arms over my chest.

"Even if it was, which it wasn't, I repeat that it's none of your business."

"It certainly is when it involves my baby brother."

"I am not a baby."

"You'll always be a baby to our parents and myself," Anubis snorted, to which I responded with my own sound of disbelief, shaking my head.

"To father, I am a pest. To mother, I am an infant. And clearly you, too, see me as an incompetent child unable to fend for myself for a mere stroll through the town," I said angrily, making Anubis frown and lower his arms, "Is it simply too much to ask to have everyone leave me alone to myself?"

"You lost that privilege when you started sneaking bottles to your room," Anubis said, making me stiffen, "And yes, I know about the alcohol, Sept. I've suspected since the day we met in Styx. And for the record, father doesn't see you as a pest--"

"First of all," I began heatedly, watching Anubis sigh, which only infuriated me further, "Contrary to what you and mother seem to believe, I am a full grown god and can make my own damn choices, whatever they may be. Second of all, don't you dare patronize me. I'm no idiot. I know exactly how father feels about me. He's been quite clear about it since, well, since the day I was born, really, so I don't need you to lie on his behalf--"

"I am not lying," Anubis started.

"And thirdly, I've had quite enough of this game you're playing where you behave like the older brother when we both know you've got the maturity of a fucking micro carrot--"

"Okay, hold up--"

"So do me a favor and perhaps shut your fucking mouth and step off before I get really pissed and do something that will upset mother, and father," I finished angrily. Anubis glared at me, clenching his fists for a moment before unclenching them.

"I want to hit you right now," he stated.

"Please do it," I snapped, "I am tired of being treated like an invalid by this entire family. Perhaps I don't have everything as together as the rest of you, but I certainly am not falling apart right now. I don't need you to baby me, I don't need you to get into my business, and I certainly don't fucking need you to lie to me." Anubis took a deep breath and spread his hands out in front of himself like he was trying to summon some level of calm, which I ignored and spun on my heel, heading for the marketplace. Sure enough, I heard Anubis's shoes scuff the dirt as he moved to follow me.

I snapped back around and he nearly collided with me, barely pulling up short in time for me to swing my fist around and slam it into his jaw. His head snapped back and he stumbled a moment as I took a step back to prepare for retaliation, which I received almost instantaneously.

One second I was on my feet, facing Anubis, and in the next, I was suckerpunched in the nose and knocked flat on my ass in the dirt. I cursed, spitting blood through my teeth and propping myself up on my elbows. Around us, people scattered and scrambled to get out of the way while Anubis stalked over to stand above me. He went to grab me by the leg to drag me through the dirt, but I swung my foot up and kicked him in the jaw, making him stumble back again.

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