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He closed the door behind them and took the queen to the bed in the room they shared with Lily. He placed Maddy on the bed, letting her rest her back against the headboard and curl up.

"I'll go ask the staff for a hot chocolate for you now." He kissed her cheek, leaving her.

He walked out of the room to find a maid or butler, or any other appropriate servant. She slowly got up from the bed. She was cautious of where she placed her feet, desperate not to get any injuries from tripping.

The door opened just as she reached out for the handle. He had already found someone and asked them. She felt a slight bit of pain in her chest she saw the look of disappointment on his face at the sight of her walking around.

"I just wanted to follow you," she explained herself.

No explaining would stop him though as he picked her up and deposited her back onto the bed.

"I am sorry—" She continued.

"Maddy please just stay in the bed. I know it is not fun but you need rest, especially after today-"

"Why don't you go to Lily? I'm sure she needs you more than I do. She is there alone with her," Maddy inquired.

He frowned. "Ivera is harmless now. She will not be escaping her cell. The only thing you need to worry about with Lily is if she over exerts herself in her punishing of Ivera."

"As long as she can either move or speak, she is a danger! Would you stop dismissing me?"

He shook his head. "How about we talk about something else?"

"Don't you have work to do today? I can help if you want?"

"We got a large amount of the affairs handled recently—"

"I see..."

"There just is not much work that you can help me with left."

"I can be helpful!"

"I know. You are very helpful but right now the stuff I need is mainly carrying files, I have assistants to do that and I want you to let your legs rest at least a few hours or a day before walking again."

"The guards with Lily are good right?" Maddy switched the topic again.

"Yes. Lily trained them herself. The last thing they would ever do is betray her if that is what you are thinking."

"You said that about that monster too! Lily told me that you trusted her completely and look what happened! I despise her! I want her dead! Lily does too so just stop hesitating and do it."

"Its complicated—"

"You want to just get information from her? Information to trial her? Guess what I have all the facts you need. You've killed people for less. Maybe she didn't try to kill me like the last bunch you executed but I can for certain say I suffered far more under her thumb. I can tell you every horrible thing that twisted thing did to me and Lily."

"Maddy I am protecting you and Lily from any public backlash. She might be a monster but the public do not know that. It takes lots of preparation to try a person associated high in the royal family," he said.

"I'm the queen am I not? When she kidnapped me she already committed treason. Then she went on to beat me daily and hurt me in almost every way possible. I would say that is multiple counts of treason. Or is the reason it won't work because I am human? Can you not see I want to get retribution. Or will no one care just because I'm a pathetic weak creature that only has the purpose of either slavery or sick entertainment?"

"I want to make things better Maddy. I love you. I am working on laws to slowly restrict human slavery and grant some rights to humans. If I execute Ivera suddenly it might decrease public favour."

"Then keep her locked up. I don't want to see her at all until she pays understand! I understand if you feel that my feelings are selfish but imagine how I feel. The woman who made my life miserable and broke me and abused me is still alive and honestly not that far away from me."

"If you feel angry you can hurt her as much as you want."

"She terrifies me Xavier. Thinking of her and seeing her just did something to me. She's like some horrible trigger. I do not ever want to feel like that again. I as frozen with fear when I saw her. I was trapped. It was as if I was still in that horrible horrible place and I never want to be there again. I cannot hurt her because I get panicked in her presence."

"If you need help—"

"I do not need help. I need her far away from me... Could you help me with my medicine. The pain is coming back again."

He nodded and put the drip back into the device on the back of her hand. She watched as she liquid flowed down into her. She hated the system but it was good at pain relief. It had some nice side effects like making her tired and calmer. It made her a bit numb too.

He had memorized how the doctor would reconnect the chords and refill the bag and what they would refill it with. She was thankful that he had. Right then she did not want to see anyone besides him, or maybe not even him.

"Relax. Being so tense is not going to make you any better. Just calm down and relax."

"You said relax twice already," she muttered.

"Because it is important," he insisted.

Maddy sighed. "Why bother? I cannot relax right now."

"Stop thinking of her. She is not important," he said massaging small circles on the palm of her hand.

Maddy watched his thumbs as they worked magic on her hand. It felt calming. All the stress, panic and anxiety in her chest was easing up slightly.



I am sorry it has been so long since I posted a chapter and I apologise that this is shorter than usual even with the long time. If you have checked my conversations on my profile or seen the announcement I sent a while back you would know that I am on hiatus.

I am not actively writing new chapters for my published books. I might update from time to time but needing to update so much has put me under stress. I started university in March and ever since work has taken up most of my time and the small bit of free time I get I use for trying to relax as much as I can. Writing has been getting harder because of the lack of time and comments.

It might not seem like it but I read every single comment I get on all my books and some well really are not that nice. Whilst they are not directed personally at me and usually at the book itself, it hurts me seeing people comment such mean things when I know if they do not like it they can just stop reading. Over the last three or four years since I started writing on Wattpad, mean comments have always upset me.

Those are the reasons I went on hiatus. I still have no idea if I intend for this to be permanent or not. But I will update a book from time to time, just not regularly. I hope you will accept my decision although that does not mean this book is done yet. The book is probably less than 15 chapters, maybe even 5 or 6 away from where I would like to end it.

If you read this seriously seriously long authors note, thank you it means a lot to me.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me here as well. Whilst some of the comments have made me feel bad, many of you have really made me happy with your encouragement in the comments.


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