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Lily pelted Ivera with the whip in her hand. She was absolutely furious. No amount of torture would solve it though. Whilst Maddy might have recoil at the sight of Ivera, she did not. She refused to let the woman keep her chained ever again. She would return what she did to her and Maddy, in tenfold.

She could remember it all. Every word, every flick of the whip. Her memory had always been impeccable, she could flick through memories. When she closed her eyes, she could recall it, feeling as if she was there. She had been asleep for awhile, leaving Maddy with her cousin.

Sure he was a good mate, but he had never been there. He had never seen the true nature of what had happened. He had never had a chance to see Ivera as the monster she was. Until he did, he was not going to kill her. 

 Lily knew better than that, she had seen her at her most cruel point. She had seen emotional and physical abuse inflicted on her best friend and queen. She had more than once been starved and pushed to the limit, all whilst suffering extreme pain from the bond.

People wondered how Ivera had managed to stay sane without her mate, many believing her to be some special person because she could do that. That was all a lie because she was not sane in the slightest. There was absolutely no point to the torture. She was living in delusions.

Blood splattered against Ivera's skin as the whip made another mark.

Lily wanted a sword, she wanted so much more retribution than she could deal with a measly whip. When she was finished with Ivera, she planned to stop her cousin's plans to prolong the time till execution. Whilst she may not have bore the full brunt of Ivera's violence, she herself had suffered a lot. She was hurt and she did not want to imagine how much worse it was for Maddy, and yet her cousin brushed it off as if she was not traumatised.

Understanding how others felt had never been his strong point, but she expected him to at least be more aware of the situation. She had hardly even seen anything and she was furious.

She did not care what the public thought like her cousin. She was a Royal Guard. She followed the law. The law classified Ivera's actions as treason. She had kidnapped a queen and a princess and proceeded to abuse them, whilst lying to the King. Ivera deserved death and when she was done she would make sure her cousin knew her thoughts.

If he disagreed, she would be glad to have a petition for Ivera's head. If anyone needed to be persuaded she would show them her scars. 

A scream from Ivera brought her out of her thoughts.

"I do not want to hear any screams from you. You did not allow me to scream when you whipped me and then rubbed poison over my wounds, so I will not allow you to scream either," Lily seethed.

"I raised Maddy! I-"

"Shut up! If I had my way you would be set on fire right now. You did not raise Maddy, if anything you had her bred. I can remember that one time we went to your place. That little girl that the King adored, the one time he played with her was the last. He cared for her instantly, but right after that day, she disappeared. We could scent that she was in the house but you purposefully kept her away. And I know why. I saw how terrified the child was, Xavier was too consumed playing to notice the bruises, the way her head was bowed. You raised her? No you imprisoned her until she escaped. The streets as harsh as they were, were far kinder than even you were," Lily laughed lashing at her.

One lash for each statement.

She had no sympathy. None left. 

She let the tail of the whip fall to the floor. Her eyes scanned her bloody work. Long slitted wounds made my the whip littered the body of the vampire. 

Lily's heart was still racing, fuelled by adrenaline despite slowly tiring out. She wanted to do more, to inflicted her wrath completely but was there a point? Ivera was unconscious. She would not feel any more pain.

Lily wanted her just to feel the pain. It was aimless if Ivera could not see the furious look in her eyes, or feel the sting of the whip against her skin. 

She breathed heavily, heaving. her long hair, was glistening with sweat, unkempt as a few strands stayed dropped over her eyes. She was strong, but even she could get weak and out of shape. She needed some rest still.

Pushing herself anymore would show that to everyone. They would fuss over her. She became a Royal Guard for many reasons. One of them was because she hated how they fussed over her as a princess. If they saw how strained she was, they would just fuss again.

She was glad that she was not born a human like Maddy. She had come to adore the human. However, as strong as the queen was, she definitely felt and showed the effects of injury. She felt them on a different level. She could not hide mask her pain. Being fussed over was something she would never escape.

It would never truly change. Not for a human born in a world where they had no advantages. It was changing, or it soon enough would have to. The first human queen meant that no one could ignore humans any longer.

She locked the cell of the vampire. The whip was hung up in its original place and she walked away. 

Hot and tired, a walk in the forest seemed good. She would be able to regain some energy away from anyone else.

A guard stood in her way at the door.

"Lady Lily I am going to have to ask you to turn around. You are not permitted to leave the castle."

"Not allowed to leave the castle? I command your unit!"

.                                                          ..


Sorry it has been so long. I have not been prioritising publishing at all. Exams, summer school and then the start of second year uni now have all diverted my attention. I have been mostly writing in my drafts as a form of stress release in unpublished books. 

I realised though that I still had this chapter already written but had forgotten about it. I dont know when the next chapter will be but the book is continuing, just very very slowly like with all my other books.

Thank you for all your support.

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