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Maddy fiddled with the soft ribbon in her hair as she looked herself over in the mirror. She hated the fashion trends of the rich yet was still wearing them, the only reason being to try fit in.

She was not the type to try fit in. At least she had never been before but suddenly the prospect of having people accept her seemed nice. It was odd but good. Xavier had wanted her to make friends.

Anyway she would prove she was most definitely not a coward. She could face anything even a couple of entitled nobles who did not know what dirt looked like.

She had an idea of their type, slave owning rich girls. She was surprised they wanted to be seen with her but was not going to argue with it. If she could show them what her kind was truly like, maybe they would not be so hard on their slaves. It was wishful thinking. She herself was not going to advocate for anyone. Truly she just wanted to get back on the streets. She was just going to at least see if she could find some enjoyment in the life of a noble whilst she was there. It was not like she had anything to lose.


Maddy lifted an eyebrow as she saw the place that she was having tea or whatever at. It was pink, pink, pink and more pink with a dash of white. It was a stereotypical cake shop, a rather feminine looking place for women to gossip to each other over tea. That's what she could at the very least see.

They all looked like overdressed dolls lacking any sort of individuality and unique personality. They were all part of a matched set and it disturbed her. The same style dresses and hair and the way there was no difference between them other than whether they were lycan, vampire or werewolf.

She was starting to think that just maybe coming was a bad idea. She had not even told Lily or Xavier about it. She knew she probably should have but then Lily would come along to guard her and voice all her opinions. Maddy knew that she herself was opinionated at times but this was her life so she could be as opinionated as she wanted.

"Look who finally arrived. I'm so glad you came Lady Madeline or should I call you, your majesty?" A woman said at the table.

It was not anything personal but something about them and her especially was setting the human on edge. These were cutthroat women, as Lily had described them, she would not say that without reason. She was not trying to limit Maddy's connections or anything out of jealousy. She was Xavier's cousin. Maddy probably should have seen the red flags earlier.

"Oh it's fine. I just came to pop in. I should get going Xav— my mate probably won't want me staying away too long. He gets rather clingy from time to time," Maddy said, taking a step back.

Experience had taught her to run from uncomfortable situations. This was one of those instances. She was honestly really uncomfortable.

"Oh come on, don't be a scaredy cat. I do hate cats," one of them said.

Maddy was pretty confused about the tad extra information but she assumed it was a semi-threat?

"We don't bite, your highness. Come have a seat," another said, ironically since her fangs were visible in her smile.

Maddy felt cornered without being in a literal corner. Their eyes looked so sweet and innocent but at the same time she felt as if they were daggers piercing into her soul.

The deliberate use of a title by the women when speaking to her made her feel as if they were mocking her. She was used to being looked down on to a degree but they were a new low.

She slipped into a seat, internally defeated without any physical blows.

"So what hobbies do you have? Any talents?"

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