Long time no see.

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Dear journal, A couple days go bye maybe even two years. I still keep a close eye on bang tan from time to time, father says I must take them done by the end of this year. My powers are still growing. Teacher says I am almost at my peaking point in my training. I still get shocked from time to time, I'm starting to get use to it. I'm also starting to get flashbacks but they hurt so much, I can't even remember what some of them are because they go by so quick before I pass out. I can't tell father as he might run test on me again.

She closes the book and quickly puts it back in the wall before closing it up with a book case. Just then she gets an alert that bang tan is moving. She quickly runs down the stairs to the headquarters in the basement.

She rushes over to the men sitting down. "Quick, their moving I want to see where their going." They quickly pull up the big screen and show the road their heading down.

"It looks like their going to the airport." One of them quickly says. "Could they be fleeing" the other laughs.

"Quick check the flight schedule." She says impatiently. " It looks like it's private we can't really tell,but I'll hack into the computer system." She nods.

Just then handsome young men each come out of there own car. All dressed in black. One catches her eye.

                                           Y/N POV

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                                           Y/N POV

At the same time I see him. A painful sharp pain is felt in the center of my head causing me to lose my balance. "I'm Kim Taehyung, but you can call me tae." I've never felt so much pain in my entire life.

"Y/N are you okay!" One of the men on the computer ask. "Yes I'm fine, I'm going to go outside for some fresh air." I say with a painless smile.

"I mean he's kinda hot I can see why she acted like that." The other men start laughing. I keep walking as I feel I'm about to bust my whole body is on fire. As my tears are streaming down my burning face I can feel my body shaking.

"Y/N I want you to always do what you feel an never stop." The teacher tells me.


"It's what makes you stronger" he smiles.

End of Y/N POV

"Hyung, are you sure about this?" Jimin asks.

"Are you scared?"Jin laughs. "Come on jimin quit being a kid and get your ass in the plane." Jungkook pushes him and quickly rushes in the plane.

"Damn, she doesn't love you, quit being excited. I just want to get my hands on her throat and watch the life leave her brown eyes." Yoongi's eyes darken at the thought. "Okay, save that energy when you see her."

They all get get in the plane on there way to Y/N. In the two years Y/N has been gone, they have trained harder then any human has, and made there bodies reach the maximum limit. With them all together they were unstoppable.

I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket. "Y/N where the fuck are you!?" I gain my emotions back and realized what I had just done.

"F-father....." I take a deep breath and continue again.

"Father I need. No I think. I just did something" I take a deep breath to stop the tears.

"Y/N what did you do?" He said in a serious tone I have never heard before.

"I'm sorry, I think I killed someone."

"Well it's just one right? Your fine just come back" he says proudly.

"You see its kinda not one," I laugh nervously through my tears. "Y/N tell me where the fuck you are and what you did." His voice became serious and angry this time.

I take a deep breath and look at the bloody mess. Bodies everywhere, lying lifelessly everywhere some in the door frame. Children. That's..that what made it worse. I'm a monster. But deep inside I fell happy I getting better. " I'm at a village, I don't know where."


"Don't say anything else"

My eyes follow the sound from behind me.

"Long time no see." His dimples show on full display.

I hope you like :) Also stream butter.

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